34th Street Magazine's "Toast" is a semi-weekly newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Delivered Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
Penn Campus Recreation is poised to assist in this endeavor and we look forward to the continuing dialogue regarding elective physical education classes.
Wax and Judge, now Justice, Kavanaugh together share an extraordinary gap in human empathy which renders one unfit to be a teacher, and the other unfit to be a judge.
Penn staff stand ready to help students get the support they need wherever they are — on campus, off campus, abroad, regardless of when and where any acts of harm took place.
I think the ideal solution is a compromise where affirmative action isn’t completely dismantled, but instead admissions officers stop making these subconsciously biased decisions when it comes to Asian-American applicants.
Given that Dean Ruger has made claims about the grades of UPenn black students, he should make public the data that he submitted to the Law School Admissions Council.
While the DP is a great outlet to share experiences with the larger student body, we want students to know that there are many outlets on our campus to voice concerns and make productive change.
We have invested, and will continue to invest, with clear and present purpose, in every initiative, practice and program we can think of to promote student self- and community-care and to further decrease the potentially life-threatening incidence of sexual violence, alcohol and drug abuse and hazing on our campus.
Early this summer, not long after many students had left for the break, Claudia Cohen Hall joined the ranks of those buildings on campus that can only be accessed by PennCard.
Like many other students at Penn, I came back to campus 3 weeks ago with little to no knowledge of the newly instated policy that all “student group events” held on-campus, off-campus, or at third-party venues must now be registered with the AOD regardless of whether or not alcohol is present.
Here’s my take on “chill.” At Penn, this whole "deadening yourself" with placid smiles and mildly network-y “hahas” is done for me. “Chill” is a ballooning umbrella word that just perpetuates toxic bro activity and pressures people to deflate and compress their bodies into little boxes of compliance. I’m over it, and I’ll take a good bet that most minority communities are over it, too.
Today the College Republicans wrote an op-ed arguing that America should focus on fixing it's mental healthcare system in response to the wave of mass shootings that has plagued the country.
I find this quite hypocritical, considering that the ten states with the lowest level of access to mental health resources (as ranked by Mental Health America, an advocacy group) are all controlled by Republicans.