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Gaza Solidarity Encampment

04/25/24 8:07pm
The Daily Pennsylvanian is following the rising tensions on Penn's campus and beyond today.
04/25/24 6:09pm
The University also outlined what conditions will prompt it to respond to the encampment.
04/25/24 4:43pm
The encampment began after a 2 p.m. protest originating at City Hall — which was organized by the Philly Palestine Coalition — arrived in University City. 
04/25/24 11:30am
In a joint statement to the DP on Wednesday night, NEC Chair and UA President Ria Ellendula expressed support for the process of initiating a referendum based on student concerns.
04/25/24 3:05am
PAO’s ban has surprised the Penn community, with students, faculty, activist organizations, and politicians expressing concerns about free speech and the University’s lack of transparency regarding the reasoning behind the decision. 
10/31/23 10:41pm
Over 120 SP2 students and alumni stand against the genocide of Palestinian people in Gaza and call upon SP2 to do the same. 
04/26/24 3:37am
The encampment began amid a rally of hundreds of Penn students, faculty, and Philadelphia community members in support of Palestinians.