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04/17/15 3:29am
See what crimes happened in the Penn Patrol Zone from April 2 to April 9.
04/14/15 11:02pm
Fifty-nine of the suspects who were shot by Philadelphia Police were unarmed, according to the report.
04/13/15 1:35am
The Undergraduate Assembly recently formed a Commission on Alcohol Safety and Communication to increase transparency at this year’s Fling festivities and prevent the types of rumors that abounded last year. But despite clarifying some information about alcohol policy, concerns remain over this year's Fling alcohol-related initiatives.
04/11/15 12:23am
See what crimes occurred in the Penn Patrol Zone from March 26 to April 1.
04/09/15 1:32am
The Trustees were accused of infringing on patents related to Alzheimer's research, but were victorious in a federal jury trial three years ago. 
04/08/15 1:53am
Six accidents have occurred on the busy intersection of 38th and Spruce Streets since the beginning of 2015.
04/03/15 11:57pm
Two suspects fled the scene of an unarmed robbery on 41st and Baltimore Friday night.
04/03/15 6:13pm
In 2011, sociology PhD student Gregory Harris was arrested for assault after allegedly elbowing a police officer while he observed an Occupy Philadelphia protest for his dissertation.
04/02/15 12:05am
Nutter began his speech with a humorous memory as a Penn undergraduate.
04/02/15 12:05am
See what crimes occurred in the Penn Police Zone between March 19 and March 26.
03/30/15 1:57am
With Penn’s annual Spring Fling around the corner, Vice President for Public Safety Maureen Rush gave the Daily Pennsylvanian the scoop on how to emerge from Fling without a criminal record. 
03/29/15 1:27pm
Nothing at the scene led Penn Police to believe there was evidence of gun shots. 
03/26/15 1:06am
The former track athlete Timothy Hamlett went missing on Dec. 26 and was last seen near the George Washington Bridge.
03/26/15 1:03am
A new study suggests that watching television has made people more afraid of crime.
03/26/15 1:02am
See what crimes occurred in the Penn Patrol Zone between March 12 and March 19.
03/24/15 1:34am
While some Penn students were partying away on the beach in Mexico and others were at home binge-watching Netflix, some students spent their Spring Break making a difference.
03/24/15 1:30am
Since 15 members of Penn’s Student Federal Credit Union fell victim to fraud earlier this year, the union as well as the Division of Public Safety have not issued any update on the investigation or on the outcome of the investigation.
03/22/15 1:32pm
See what crimes occurred in the Penn Patrol Zone between March 5 and March 12.
03/19/15 12:36am
Members of the Penn Law School community believe weapons on campus only encourage more violence.
03/19/15 12:35am

ICYMI: News from spring break

If you were too busy lounging on a beach, sleeping or playing with your cat over Spring Break to read the Daily Pennsylvanian online, we’ve got you covered.