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Opinion Columns

12/10/20 1:08am
Within the confines of a Zoom call, Penn’s community still continues to thrive. Keeping the fighter’s mindset of 2020 will help us prepare for another year of unknowns.
12/10/20 12:50am
After months of last-minute decision making, Penn's international students are left bearing the brunt of the cost of a virtual semester, with potentially long-term consequences.
08/28/19 9:13pm
While study abroad offers students a unique opportunity to live in new parts of the world, students who are leaving soon for unfamiliar places should make sure that they take advantage of the chance to engage with the people that live in these countries, rather than only sticking with fellow Penn students.
07/31/17 10:51pm
Nearly all the town's buildings had been razed for scrap wood, and those that remained standing had either caved-in, or seemed to be held up by the dead trees rising besides them.
07/06/17 12:30am
The trail began at the grounds of the Mesa Laboratory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, a pink concrete building perched on the slopes of Green Mountain, near Boulder, Colorado.
07/06/17 12:29am
Recently, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what it would take for someone of one political persuasion to ‘switch sides’. There’s a lot of merit to the idea that we, especially at Penn, restrict ourselves to ‘echo chambers’ where our communities and groups are just reflections of our own backgrounds and beliefs.
06/21/17 7:59pm
The rise of multiculturalism has created an environment where all backgrounds, and by extension all opinions, are given equal standing.
06/16/17 3:26pm
Sometime in 1999 my father took me along on his daily ride to work. He was a landscape architect and had been working on planting a rose garden in the backyard of a large, concrete house.
05/24/17 11:01pm
I am throwing JFK a hundredth birthday party on May 29th. The signature drink will be the Jack & Coke; pun intended.
05/12/17 3:40pm
The one other time I wrote about my experience as the “DP Guy,” I mentioned that I grew up listening to The Clash.
05/12/17 3:39pm
I’ve spent four years studying philosophy, and all I have to show for it is a lot of uncertainty about life.
05/12/17 3:38pm
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Actually, it was probably more worst of times, but who’s counting?
05/12/17 3:36pm
The Daily Pennsylvanian has a challenging road ahead. The entire media industry is changing.
05/12/17 3:35pm
There’s nothing sadder than the final page of a book.
05/12/17 3:34pm
“LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN.” I would read those four words every day as I exited 4015 Walnut. Yet every day, I always returned.
05/12/17 3:33pm
On the night of Nov. 8, 2016, while the world watched the unexpected ascent of Donald Trump to the presidency, I had one mission: to put out a paper.