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Opinion Columns

10/29/17 11:43pm
How is a freshman supposed to make sense of all the tragedy that has struck Penn? And how can they ensure that they will be immune to the mental health issues that plague its campus?
10/29/17 11:38pm
Mental health may be a general term, but in reality, it looks so different to so many different people, especially to various communities and cultural groups on campus.
10/25/17 11:51pm
We are eager to do what is expected of us when the trend calls for it, but we don’t let that influence anything we do in real life.
10/25/17 9:41pm
We so often predicate our existence on someone else’s — their successes are your successes, and you avoid any information whatsoever that might point to their failings.
10/24/17 8:14pm
What’s going to matter in the very end is how you appreciated the details of what you did have — how you lived every day.
10/23/17 7:11pm
The administration can no longer blindly point to Counseling and Psychological Services and shut down parties in hopes that mental health issues and the consequences of binge drinking will vanish. 
10/23/17 7:10pm
The politics of presentation and representation are complex and therefore it is crucial that as many voices as possible are heard.
10/23/17 7:10pm
Although the trend of admitting over 50 percent of each freshman class in Early Decision has its drawbacks, it is ultimately the best system for ensuring the most committed Penn class.
10/22/17 11:22pm
Clearly, the commercialization of American universities means that monetary concerns are starting to outweigh intellectual ones.
10/22/17 11:18pm
Inclusion in discussion and class participation is obviously a noble goal, but the notion that race and gender are appropriate criteria to decide who gets a voice is at best a misguided one.
10/22/17 11:16pm
Is Penn filling up too much of its classes through early decision? Should there be any changes to Penn's admissions policies with regards to early decision?
10/18/17 1:14am
How am I supposed to discern the world’s inner workings and capitalize on its needs when the education I am getting doesn’t require any understanding of computer science?
10/16/17 11:00pm
If we only have conversations that make out Penn to be perfect, once these students come, they will feel deceived. Having these real conversations about Penn to prospective students gives them an in-depth background of what they are getting themselves into if they come here.
10/16/17 10:58pm
What the University fails to recognize is that, like so many of the issues students face, binge drinking demands immediate attention.
10/16/17 10:57pm
As someone whose reflections are based on just under two months of circumstantial observations, I think that there is something perverse about the tendency to dress to impress on a college campus.
10/15/17 10:18pm
Figuring out the true value of our time and the things we do is essential in discovering what is truly important to us.
10/15/17 10:15pm
Even in these times, especially in these times, the ability we have to be both profoundly mournful and fundamentally rational is our most valuable asset.
10/15/17 10:11pm
It is high time for common sense gun control legislation. It’s been high time since Sandy Hook and Pulse Night Club, since Aurora and Tucson, since Columbine High School and Virginia Tech. 
10/13/17 7:10pm
Why do you think Wharton specifically receives the bulk of transfer requests and dual degree requests compared to the other schools?
10/12/17 7:01pm
Now that we’re here, we should pull ourselves out of our bubbles and re-embrace the magic of what drew us to Penn in the first place.