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Opinion Columns

09/12/17 10:03pm
It is about time that we  work against the social current that normalizes toxicity in our club culture rather than conform to it. 
09/12/17 9:54pm
The College must offer less electives and instead use the space for more adequate development of each major.
09/11/17 9:12pm
As a freshman there’s a great deal of pressure to prove that you’re enjoying college at any school, particularly at one commonly referred to as the “social Ivy.”
09/11/17 9:06pm
In the American university system, we are connected, not separated.
09/10/17 10:08pm
I suspect that I will not be the only one who feels that 16 years of schooling has led us to no certain answers.
09/10/17 10:07pm
If I’ve learned anything from my peers, it’s that the goal of your four years should not be to seek out the best things about Penn but rather to find the things that you think need changing.
09/10/17 10:07pm
For the sake of our sanity, we must realize that it’s not necessary to overexert ourselves for resume-building activities we don’t actually care that much about.
09/10/17 10:06pm
I sometimes forget how wonderful inefficiency is, in a fast-paced environment like Penn’s.
09/08/17 5:37pm
Should Penn admissions change its policies regarding legacy students? If so, what should it do?
09/06/17 10:43pm
You become “well-rounded” by simply existing at Penn, and by not letting your extracurriculars define that existence for you.
09/05/17 9:00pm
An open-source system is evidently imperative to the success of any institution, especially one with students as motivated and creative as those at Penn.
09/04/17 9:11pm
 There are two distinct worlds separating Penn and the local communities that are on the outskirts.
09/04/17 9:10pm
Instead of visiting schools, high schoolers should focus on what they truly want in their college experience.
08/30/17 9:39pm
In my family, following our dreams isn’t just a cliched motto. It’s a religious truth, a way of life.
08/30/17 9:19pm
Cultural criticism is most valid when it comes from a place of deep, albeit complicated, love for that culture.
08/29/17 10:03pm
If we demanded that governmental attention be paid to small actions by businesses, we may just end up with a little less wastage and a little cleaner land.
08/29/17 10:02pm
Simply existing as a minority at an Ivy League Institution such as Penn is a revolutionary act in itself.
08/29/17 12:27am
Although unconventional, it may pay to pursue a career path that aligns most with one’s passions.
08/28/17 9:58pm
We must change the over zealous culture that has come to dominate college campuses by being more accepting of opposing ideas and hiring more conservative faculty.
08/27/17 8:09pm
As I near the end of my Penn education, I can’t help but begin to reflect on my time here and the effects it has had on me as a person and a student.