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Opinion Columns

10/16/17 10:58pm
What the University fails to recognize is that, like so many of the issues students face, binge drinking demands immediate attention.
10/16/17 10:57pm
As someone whose reflections are based on just under two months of circumstantial observations, I think that there is something perverse about the tendency to dress to impress on a college campus.
10/15/17 10:18pm
Figuring out the true value of our time and the things we do is essential in discovering what is truly important to us.
10/15/17 10:15pm
Even in these times, especially in these times, the ability we have to be both profoundly mournful and fundamentally rational is our most valuable asset.
10/15/17 10:11pm
It is high time for common sense gun control legislation. It’s been high time since Sandy Hook and Pulse Night Club, since Aurora and Tucson, since Columbine High School and Virginia Tech. 
10/13/17 7:10pm
Why do you think Wharton specifically receives the bulk of transfer requests and dual degree requests compared to the other schools?
10/12/17 7:01pm
Now that we’re here, we should pull ourselves out of our bubbles and re-embrace the magic of what drew us to Penn in the first place.
10/11/17 11:56pm
There is a home waiting inside each and every one of us. We only have to know ourselves first to recognize it.
10/11/17 11:55pm
Courses in ethnic studies departments, because they’re about real people with real beliefs, can prove entirely fulfilling even to people who have little or no ethnic connection to the culture they study.
10/09/17 9:32pm
Socially, academically and professionally students who come from affluent families have a leg up — and that’s worth a conversation.
10/09/17 9:30pm
Promoting a dialogue on mental health is important but that doesn’t necessarily mean that all attempts to do so are equally beneficial, or even benign.
10/09/17 7:47pm
Might not the challenges of interacting and learning to live with totally random strangers as we start our university careers have been a valuable learning experience?
10/09/17 12:38am
Instead of always spending time agonizing over how to boost the number of people attending our club’s next event, we should perhaps take some time to go to a friend’s concert or activity.
10/04/17 12:38am
When is the last time that we’ve heard from a politician or a public figure challenging the legitimacy of the Second Amendment itself?
10/04/17 12:20am
I implore students to get to know their resident advisors or graduate associates on their dorm floors better. They are the hidden gems of support beneath the craziness of being a freshman at college.
10/03/17 1:20am
If college administrators want their students to pursue careers in STEM, they should encourage, rather than dissuade their students through accessible courses for underclassmen that actively engage them.
10/02/17 12:23am
Where are the rallying cries for the dying Asian-American Studies Department? More importantly, what is the Penn administration doing to save it? 
10/02/17 12:22am
Few topics in national politics are as long, complicated and dull as the United States Federal Tax Code. Equally few topics, however, are as important to the lives of all Americans.
10/02/17 12:20am
To say that this proposed tax plan does not benefit the wealthiest Americans is one of the grandest lies of the Trump administration this week.
10/02/17 12:19am
Gratefulness is a bit like a muscle — you have to use it or you lose it.  It’s something you get better at with practice.