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Opinion Columns

11/19/17 11:10pm
There is great education and adventure in taking classes in a subject that is not only foreign to us, but also challenges our fundamental assumptions and beliefs. 
11/19/17 11:08pm
An education not only teaches but molds, and we ought to remember the forces that shape us into ourselves.
11/19/17 6:50pm
Do we need a major overhaul of the UC or does the UC just have a brand problem?
11/15/17 10:01pm
Celebrating Thanksgiving the “right way” shouldn’t be a litmus test for American-ness.
11/14/17 9:29pm
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we can all take a step back and reflect on what an amazing school Penn is, even if there’s room for improvement every now and then.
11/13/17 8:10pm
Kindness at Penn shouldn’t just be reserved for one week; it should be just as integral to our identities as our competitive spirits.
11/13/17 8:10pm
Maybe losing our otherwise well-defined sense of kindness is just a part of growing up.
11/13/17 8:09pm
We must come together in times to support one another when no one wants to recognize us and make sure that our various cultural communities are valued on campus. 
11/12/17 11:33pm
Asking students to decide what courses they are taking so early perpetuates a rather stressful pressure of outlining the exact trajectory of one’s academic progress — something that not everyone necessarily knows.
11/12/17 11:29pm
Despite the increase in popular support for tariffs and protectionism, encouraging trade remains the best framework for US foreign economic policy.
11/12/17 11:28pm
Our trade deals are ubiquitously outdated, hardly touching big data or any real form of data sharing, failing to adapt to the constantly technologically changing marketplace.
11/08/17 11:33pm
We encourage everyone around us to practice self-care, and then turn around and talk loudly about how we barely get any sleep because we were scrolling through Reddit for hours.
11/08/17 11:32pm
College is only a small part of our lives, and the lifelong friends we do make don’t have to come from these fleeting four years.
11/07/17 10:36pm
Often, our activism is empty because the standards we set for ourselves and each other are extremely low.
11/07/17 10:35pm
In a time when there have been a large amount of pressing issues among students, the announcement of New College House West's construction comes as a distraction from the calls to action within the Penn community. 
11/06/17 8:03pm
Perhaps we don’t need a Penn course to teach us how to spot fake news, but we do need to take individual responsibility in learning this valuable skill.
11/06/17 7:55pm
While it's important to ask the University for help, it's also necessary for us to take action as individuals that help alleviate the anxieties and pressures of college. 
11/05/17 10:48pm
In general, how can student activist groups lobby Penn's administration effectively in order to promote change? 
11/05/17 10:44pm
As diverse as Penn is, I feel safe in saying that the drive to succeed is one of the few qualities that unite us as a community. 
11/05/17 10:43pm
From freshmen to upperclassmen, student club member to club president — we all have our own “spheres of influence," no matter their size.