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Opinion Columns

02/20/18 8:35pm
In high school, I wanted more than anything to move away from Indiana and never return. Now that I’ve gotten my wish, I miss it with a longing ache.   
02/20/18 8:00am
To live the way someone would have wanted us to live is a grand, beautiful task, because it requires intimate knowledge of the person we lost and it acknowledges that they were more than some casualty in the circle of life.
02/18/18 2:15pm
We should not view the process of changing campus culture as an interview where one individual asks questions and the other has answers.
02/16/18 8:00am
While women have often taken the initiative to discuss matters of sexual assault and violence, the absence of men in these spaces speaks louder than words. 
02/15/18 8:42pm
We soaked in Philadelphia in all its brilliant, flashy, beeping, honking, waving, screaming, shouting splendor
02/14/18 9:19pm
We must guard diligently against rewriting the past just to please the popular opinion of the day and to make people comfortable in contemporary society.
02/14/18 12:11am
Making out, sex, and everything in between — all with no strings attached. Sounds perfect, right?     
02/12/18 8:00am
Despite many fraternities’ cult-like efforts to keep pledging under wraps to avoid prosecution, most Penn students have heard accounts from pledges about sleepless nights, humiliating activities, and servant-type orders from pledge masters.
02/12/18 8:00am
Throughout the entire journey, from hopping onto a packed trolley car to emerging aboveground through the beautiful glass head house of Dilworth Park, I feel completely immersed in the Philadelphia community. 
02/11/18 7:28pm
The moment our phones are held up in our hands and our headphones in, walls are put up and barriers are created.
02/10/18 8:00am
I went through an administrative process only to end with links to readily available databases. My CAPS experience wasn’t a referral as much as it was a brush-off.
02/09/18 8:00am
No matter how much it’s stigmatized, how unusual it might be to be open to talking about it, my anxiety and depression have taught me to care for myself.
02/07/18 11:49pm
I’m glad my decision to attend the parade won’t be hampered by a class absence, but if the parade were as important to me as it seems to be to some people, I’d happily chug a couple green beers, rub some dirt on that shiny attendance record, and go make memories. 
02/06/18 9:24pm
I had the most fun I’ve ever had in this city. For the first time in my academic career here at Penn, I felt like a Philadelphian.
02/06/18 11:58am
Pulling trig has become the holy cure for a wild night of debauchery, but no one seems to know exactly what it does.
02/06/18 11:42am
The awkwardness of meandering through a question you don’t quite know how to ask shouldn’t stop us.
02/03/18 8:00am
What do we do when something we love becomes something we hate?
02/02/18 7:30am
My respect for a professor goes up exponentially if they can open up about their struggles because it shows perseverance and resilience.
02/01/18 7:30am
The price that you pay on a Canada Goose jacket is not just money, but also the life of an animal. 
02/01/18 7:30am
One day not too far away, Locust Walk, which I trek up and down every day in mundane familiarity, will become a path of memories I can only trace in my mind.