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Opinion Columns

10/18/18 8:51pm
GIRL, I’ve heard this one before and it’s something that’s a bit tricky. 
10/18/18 8:12pm
If a student has three midterms in a day, they should be allowed to postpone one to another day. 
10/17/18 8:53pm
You don’t have to be a raging Republican to go to a shooting range.
10/17/18 12:13am
If you think someone has a condition, wait for them to open up to you. If they never do, that’s their prerogative. 
10/16/18 11:38pm
The pressures of OCR and landing these internships and jobs have created an incredibly toxic environment for upperclassmen who are right in the thick of it. 
10/14/18 7:28pm
A state or district politician gains approval by reaching out to seniors on their birthday, responding to complaints about potholes, you know … the boring stuff, the bugs in the system.
10/14/18 4:58pm
Slapping a pink ribbon on the front of your store window and claiming it’s for breast cancer awareness is a shallow, self-servicing appropriation of true struggle.
10/11/18 6:54pm
To some Republicans, the presence of snowfall in the winter is proof that climate change is a liberal hoax.
10/11/18 12:45am
Despite the stigma around being “undecided,” I believe that a lot of people are very unsure or insecure about their major choice or their undecided status.
10/10/18 3:39pm
The ease with which this vast number of male Senators was able to denounce Ford’s emotional account despite it being narrated directly to them is indicative of a deeper issue when it comes to the way a vast number of men (especially men in power) confront sexual assault in the United States.
10/10/18 12:07pm
Between sterilizing mass movements and corroding our political energy, voting is a necrotizing infection that renders our comatose body politic septic.
10/10/18 1:11am
It’s time to move on from what’s traditionally “cool” to what’s livable.
10/09/18 10:05pm
Don’t let social pressure bring you to pay ridiculous prices for moderately nicer housing. 
10/07/18 11:34pm
The “Old Beijing” collapsed along with antique city walls and hundred-year-old residences, replaced by skyscrapers and malls that stood majestically yet indifferently in the midst of their downfall.
10/07/18 6:38pm
I like Joe as much as the next guy, but he’s simply not what this country needs rights now — he is a man who hasn’t realized his moment has passed.
10/02/18 8:17pm
Weighed on crooked scales of justice, one alleged attempted rape balances quite nicely with two Yale degrees. 
10/01/18 10:15am
If you’re dealing with something extreme in the sense of anxiety or depression, keeping a diary can help catalogue your feelings and emotions in a more coherent way.
10/01/18 9:52am
I want to use my column to show everyone that their problems are valid and that it’s okay to laugh, cry, and scream.
10/01/18 1:13am
It would be disgraceful for an Ivy League university with a multi-billion-dollar operating budget not to take the moral reins and pay all Penn employees a minimum wage between $20-$25 an hour.
09/30/18 10:48pm
It’s hard to get into an Ivy League school. And statistically speaking, it’s harder to get into Stanford. Students who are applying to these schools know that. So why hide the truth from them?