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Opinion Columns

12/02/18 11:48pm
I’ve experienced the stress, even in my first semester, of thinking about majors in terms of potential income first and passion second.
12/02/18 8:34pm
I was immediately disappointed when placed into Gregory, a college dorm no one knew the location of — a place that received no frat party fliers under the doors. 
11/29/18 5:59pm
Thanksgiving is about gratitude, and I think all Penn students, regardless of financial background, would be grateful for a few more days of break. 
11/28/18 9:03pm
I used to dread my piano lessons. Now, music helps alleviate my anxiety when school gets stressful and exercise my creativity.
11/28/18 7:55pm
We live in Philadelphia, the birthplace of the world’s oldest democracy.
11/28/18 4:50pm
After some internet research, I discovered Pelosi’s unforgivable crime: She has served her country honorably through government service for too many years.
11/26/18 1:57pm
Whether an Econ major, a friend of a Penn student, a traveling poet, or a visiting family member, please feel free to stop by and pour yourself a cup of coffee, of which we always have brewed.
11/25/18 9:14pm
Prospective students from underrepresented backgrounds deserve tour guides who they can relate to. 
11/25/18 7:20pm
I started to fully appreciate the other part of my identity beyond boxes on the demographic section on an application.
11/19/18 12:11am
We cannot let political leanings stifle our innate sense of decency.
11/14/18 11:43pm
It’s like a competition: whoever sleeps the least wins. Functioning with little to no sleep is like a badge of honor, a display of invincibility.
11/14/18 6:42pm
It is your right, and this is what Laymon teaches me, to own your life.
11/14/18 6:17pm
If people didn’t know that I was going to a prestigious college, then what was all this work for?
11/13/18 9:00pm
Over 4 million people reside in these territories and most Americans are oblivious about their situation.
11/11/18 4:51pm
I’m not just saying that the people with the most power neglect the narrative of the black girl, though they do. I’m saying that we, as a society, fail to take black girlhood seriously.
11/09/18 6:51pm
I came to the United States so that I would avoid falling victim to an education system based on standardized and rigid deliverance of knowledge.
11/08/18 3:01pm
Considering the chaos of corruption Brazil has endured over the last few decades, he might, just might, be exactly what the country needs.
11/08/18 12:14am
Jews straddle the eroded precipice of whiteness, with one hand reaching into its abyss. It is necessary to name the system of white supremacy of which anti-Semitism is one face.
11/07/18 2:08am
If Democrats are to win over Trump’s rural, working-class coalition — which will be essential for a successful 2020 outcome — they must take concrete stances on these social issues that helped Trump win in 2016 and helped Republicans keep the Senate in the midterms.
11/07/18 1:41am
It would be easy to credit Trump’s tweets for every tactful or tactless exercise in misdirection. But these distractions are sown by all sides, and finger-pointing is not unique to one party.