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Opinion Columns

05/29/20 7:34pm
Remember the lives of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd when you vote in the upcoming election.
05/29/20 4:29pm
I wish others would understand the challenges student reporters experience — both emotional and practical. We shoulder the heaviness of listening to, thinking about, and accurately depicting sensitive issues.
05/28/20 11:11am
No matter what Penn announces, it will be a surprise and a far cry from the normal semesters of the past.
05/27/20 4:12pm
Sectioning off a regular portion of time to center yourself is imperative to balancing a healthy outlook in your world.
05/27/20 1:25pm
What I have found myself missing above all is community. Penn gave me many communities, and I deeply treasured the connection and support I found in them. 
05/26/20 10:38am
It’s key to keep an open mind and listen carefully, even if it's virtually, to what everyone around you is experiencing.
05/25/20 7:11pm
Registering for a mail-in ballot protects you from unnecessary risk of contracting COVID-19. 
05/25/20 9:56am
From undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoc’s to professors- everyone that juggled taking care of their family and fulfilling their strong commitment to Penn became a superhero in their own right.
05/25/20 9:38am
Pennsylvania faces a unique set of challenges in developing an adequate mail-in system as the November presidential election rapidly approaches. 
05/22/20 2:46pm
It's important to remind ourselves that there are ways to push ourselves forward, personally and professionally, that don't include the perfect title on our resumes.
05/21/20 12:12pm
The onus is on our political leadership to support empirical, evidence-based information to protect the American people.
05/21/20 10:21am
A masculinity that looks toward countries led by women around the globe who manage to have civil press conferences and provide correct information during this crisis is necessary.
05/20/20 10:53am
Quarantine has left time for many of us to do what our overstimulated society so rarely leaves time for — reflection. Coincidentally, this is the main goal of Ramadan.
05/17/20 10:16am
No one is morally impure for accepting Biden as the clearest way forward.  
05/16/20 8:24pm
Although Betsy DeVos does not require it of Penn to support survivors, Penn must require it of itself. 
05/13/20 2:54pm
Every human life has equal value, and it’s time for our healthcare system to recognize that.
05/13/20 2:49pm
I’m not a sports person, but I hear their advice is to “trust the process.”
05/12/20 6:50pm
Understand that saying “yes” is praxis. The truth is that not every “yes” is a good decision; not every door opened has treasure on the other side. But more often than you think, a good day at Penn starts by opening one unremarkable door and ends with a dozen more doors unlocked.
05/11/20 3:32pm
The problem with writing columns in the shower is that the water gets cold before you can end them. 
05/01/20 8:41pm
In light of Penn’s recent announcement that it would not accept 9.9 million dollars in CARE Act funds, it makes sense to wonder how those funds could have been allocated to help secure stability for vulnerable students.