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Opinion Columns

12/09/19 12:33am
Rather than constantly feeling the need to be surrounded by people, Penn students ought to spend more time alone.
12/09/19 12:09am
Selling courses may seem harmless or like a mutually beneficial business decision. However, Penn students should think twice before they sell a popular course.
12/08/19 11:36pm
It is time to recognize the 40% of Americans who think abortion should be illegal in all or most cases not as villains, but as fellow Americans who have a different opinion.
12/04/19 9:33pm
Instead of protesting, groups that disagree with a speaker's message ought to confront their ideas.
12/04/19 7:53pm
Until minority groups see equal representation and value on campus from Penn administration, via equal spacing and resources, then whatever small offers Penn might provide will not be good enough.
12/01/19 10:44pm
This is our future on the line. We do not have the luxury of waiting to be the leaders of tomorrow.
12/01/19 10:42pm
While SHS does list failure rates of other kinds of contraceptive options, they have no information about what those options are or how to use them. 
11/24/19 9:37pm
I’m sure I’m not the only one with scraps of unread paper crushed in the bottom of my bag. If you’re with me, I say let these be the last flyers to go to waste. 
11/20/19 9:04pm
In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., ‘’we must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools.'' We must be the change we seek.
11/20/19 9:00pm
Our voices made an impact. We saw the specific issues we wanted changed, we came together, we worked hard, and the results we wanted came through.
11/19/19 2:13pm
As Penn makes deliberate efforts to increase student wellness at Penn, our academic calendar has to be leveraged as a tool to decrease the negative effects our campus culture has on ourselves and our peers.
11/17/19 8:54pm
We live in a society where we praise women for holding positions of power in their fields, which we should. We should celebrate women for holding powerful positions, but these women are celebrated because the positions they hold are stereotypically held by men.
11/17/19 8:45pm
At Penn, I've realized that very few people talk about working, let alone having work-study jobs. Even when students do discuss it, it's in lowered voices. 
11/16/19 2:44pm
We must see the efforts of student activists — at Penn and elsewhere — as success stories that disprove Obama’s disingenuous and moderate approach to cultivating change.
11/12/19 5:32pm
With Penn’s large LGBTQ presence on campus, an upcoming Supreme Court decision has the ability to affect Penn graduates in many years to come, myself included. 
11/12/19 5:23pm
Considering how prevelant sexual abuse has proven to be on college campuses, this clause strikes me as particularly alarming and severe.  
11/10/19 10:17pm
To let go, we must admit that we can’t do everything.
11/10/19 9:25pm
Space on campus will not exclusively offer support for Muslim students.
11/06/19 9:44pm
Penn InTouch has many problems that need to be addressed, especially with the academic planning worksheet. Hopefully, PATH will be able to fix these for future students.
11/06/19 8:34pm
A first-year’s biggest worry should be the upcoming spring semester.