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Opinion Columns

02/16/20 10:44pm
Penn owes its students the best education they can get, and active learning is part of that education.
02/16/20 8:45pm
Going to CAPS should not be viewed as taboo; it is an act of love. Love yourself and get the help you need.
02/13/20 12:51am
As we celebrate this historic win for “Parasite,” let’s not forget about the fight of those yet to receive their rightful equality and recognition. 
02/12/20 7:31pm
Humorous and performative moments of solidarity will continue to fall flat until real and obvious change is secured for the groups of people who deserve years worth of recognition. 
02/10/20 12:01am
In the wake of a widespread political wave where every major event has political commentary or leanings, there is a sincere need for us, especially as college students, to question more. 
02/05/20 10:21pm
Whether through funding for relocation efforts for the cultural houses or in paying reparations, Penn needs to increase its advocacy on behalf of its Black students.
02/02/20 7:19pm
Penn must apply pressure and encourage Bon Appétit to place a premium on broadening and improving Penn Dining’s offerings and food availability.
02/02/20 6:32pm
Amidst the notable accomplishments of this truly legendary athlete, it is important to acknowledge the entirety of his actions.
01/29/20 9:58pm
The coronavirus is a serious health crisis, but we can’t use it to drive us towards hatred and fear.
01/29/20 5:46pm
Now is the time to reflect on who we are as a University and how we wish to be seen.
01/26/20 8:59pm
Considering Penn’s dining halls proudly state that, “At Penn, we recognize that our cafés serve a diverse population with a wide range of dining preferences,” feeding a wide range of socioeconomic mouths is reason enough to search for a way to ensure equal access to food. 
01/26/20 8:38pm
Men and women on this campus have sorted themselves off, having prepared for very different experiences. Ultimately, however, both fraternities and sororities at Penn enforce an outdated, regressive concept of gender roles.
01/22/20 8:10pm
As hard as failure can be, we need to breathe it in, exhale and let it go.
01/22/20 8:09pm
There are many things I wish I had known upon getting accepted early decision to Penn. Here are a few of the most prominent.
01/22/20 6:44pm
In order to embrace diversity, one should engage more in events organized by cultural groups and try to absorb different values as much as possible.
01/20/20 6:39pm
Simply stating the flaws is not enough; we must target and pinpoint concrete solutions if we seek any form of progress.
01/20/20 6:27pm
In a world that already caters to wealth, putting one more boundary in the way of less privileged students is not the way to ensure equal access to higher education.
01/14/20 11:25pm
By deciding to defund PPI, Penn not only devalued students’ opinions but also deemphasized the importance of public policy research. 
01/14/20 12:05pm
Now, as I take the helm of the organization that gave me a purpose at Penn, I have one request for my team, and for the Penn community at-large: Ask the right questions.
12/10/19 8:35pm
While constant partying can make you happy in the moment, it is not the answer to stress.