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Opinion Columns

06/28/20 12:48pm
As graduate students, we experience the ongoing COVID-19 crisis both as students and as teachers.
06/27/20 12:32pm
We are all complicit in allowing systemic racism to remain alive if we do not do the necessary, dirty work of calling out microaggressions, dismantling harmful generalizations, and ridding our personal conversations of stereotypes. 
06/26/20 4:18pm
Penn is prioritizing the health of its community by announcing stringent tracking and tracing measures, following the example of other nations who have effectively curbed the rampant spread of the virus by implementing such digital systems.
06/25/20 9:47pm
You would be wrong if you expect 10,000 18-22 year olds living in one place to exercise safe COVID-19 practices.
06/25/20 12:10am
Our policing system has never been fair, it has never represented justice for all, and it will continue to be riddled with injustices until radical change occurs.
06/23/20 11:39am
Cell phones make it so that America, and the world, cannot look away from the vivid brutality Black communities have already known for generations. 
06/21/20 8:27pm
Now more than ever, it is important to address the counterarguments against systemic racism in order to promote systemic change. 
06/19/20 5:07pm
For too long, the DP has failed to lift up the voices of Black students, and make sure their unique experiences and perspectives are heard and valued. We have also failed to make sure our staff represents the diversity of the student body at Penn. With such a large platform on campus, we must do better. 
06/19/20 4:09pm
As Philadelphia reckons with its own racist statues of Christopher Columbus and Frank Rizzo, now is the time for Penn to do the same on its own campus.
06/19/20 3:12pm
Why should we care? As students lucky enough to attend a prestigious university as Penn, we have the power and resources to make the city government listen to us.
06/18/20 9:42pm
As a Ph.D. student in Comparative Literature, I naturally think that reading is the answer to everything. 
06/18/20 2:03pm
It is up to us, as consumers, to support small, local businesses. We can do this in our hometowns and when we are able to return safely to campus.
06/17/20 1:33pm
Our nation is slipping back into the grasp of a pandemic, and we’re blindly letting it happen.
06/15/20 10:59am
Our time at Penn should be remembered as a “great” four years, rather than the “best.”
06/14/20 9:11pm
Our campus is an intersection of productive labor and studying, the reproductive work of eating, taking care of needs like healthcare or even laundry, and relaxation. 
06/12/20 11:04pm
If we are to combat mental health stigma, completely eliminating negative usage of the word “crazy” is a necessary step.
06/11/20 9:03pm
As states begin to open, we must acknowledge that COVID-19 has not disappeared and its rampage will continue to rattle families like mine.
06/10/20 12:18pm
It’s ironic. Our generation, comfortable with, and dependent on, virtual interactions, finds our friendships at risk with the coronavirus’ mandate for physical distancing.
06/09/20 7:17pm
This abstracted version of Penn’s community, though inspiring, still fails to provide students with one of Penn’s core values: engagement. 
06/08/20 11:43am
Asian Americans and Christians are part of a unique niche in American society that seems to tell us it’s best we stay out of the fight.