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Opinion Columns

06/24/21 5:12pm
Columnist Asaad Manzar writes about the habits — both good and bad — that we formed over the pandemic, and how we should use the summer as a chance to recycle our helpful habits and kick the negative ones. 
06/23/21 4:49pm
Columnist Matthew Liu argues that profit-focused pharmaceutical companies undermine the humanitarian mission behind large-scale vaccination efforts that are needed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. 
06/20/21 10:38am
For Father's Day, columnist Jaden Cloobeck goes into family archives to celebrate two of his ancestors from centuries past.
06/14/21 9:37am
Columnist Neil Kapoor argues that Penn should follow in the footsteps of peer institutions like Columbia and Stanford in creating a collaborative climate school, using its influence to combat one of the most emergent crises in modern history.  
06/08/21 8:54pm
Columnist Jaden Cloobeck writes about hazing, and how Penn's New Student Orientation fails to adequately introduce the subject to incoming students. 
06/05/21 2:04pm
Columnist Lark Yan argues that the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which seeks to curtail anti-Asian violence, does little to address the systemic racism that many in the AAPI community regularly face.
06/01/21 10:53pm
Columnist Andy Yoon argues that standardized testing is an essential component of the college admissions process, and that students actually benefit from its presence.
05/27/21 10:11pm
Columnist Lexi Boccuzzi writes about the United States Supreme Court and how reform, though widely called for, is exceptionally difficult to implement. 
05/25/21 9:18pm
Columnist Matthew Liu argues that despite an increased need, the COVID-19 pandemic will likely not result in an increase in the availability of careers in health care. 
05/17/21 10:48am
Columnist and graduating senior Urooba Abid reflects on how she came to understand love and justice at Penn.
05/17/21 12:06am
Columnist Jessica Gooding argues ahead of Tuesday's Democratic Primary for Philadelphia District Attorney that Larry Krasner is the best candidate for a safer, more just, and more equitable city.
05/13/21 11:50pm
In her senior column, columnist Jessica Gooding reflects on how she has been able to find a platform for advocacy at Penn and through the DP.
05/12/21 10:21pm
In her senior column, former Daily Pennsylvanian president Isabella Simonetti looks back on her time at the DP and how it helped her learn about compassion and the truth through journalism.
04/30/21 2:50pm
Columnist Caroline Magdolen urges Penn students to become vaccine ambassadors for their communities at home to help the U.S. reach herd immunity.
04/26/21 9:07pm
Columnist Isabella Glassman argues that all of us need to be having conversations about women's issues, even when the news isn't covering them.
04/25/21 2:24pm
Columnist Emily Chang argues that Penn should keep the pass/fail policy in effect for the 2021 fall semester.
04/23/21 10:49pm
Columnist Varun Saraswathula digs into when vaccinated individuals are able to hug their friends again.
04/19/21 10:54pm
Columnist Taja Mazaj argues that Penn needs to be more assertive in combating climate change, saying that "milquetoast compromises won’t cut it" when the planet is at stake.
04/16/21 9:06pm
Columnist Lexi Boccuzzi examines the complex outlook of the Republican party and right-leaning youth in a post-Trump era.
04/16/21 4:50pm
Columnist Caroline Magdolen argues that Penn should move to a randomized College House sorting system to break down stereotypes associated with the different on-campus living options.