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Opinion Columns

09/29/20 12:01pm
I know how tough these times can be. I also know the power of generosity. The world is too ugly right now to not be kind and generous when we can be. 
09/22/20 7:02pm
In honor of National Voter Registration Day, it is imperative that you register to vote so that your vision is represented when votes are counted this November.
09/21/20 9:28pm
Students ought to realize the vast opportunities presented by online learning, and challenge themselves academically throughout the semester. 
09/21/20 8:58pm
One must realize that the Penn Bubble is a phenomenon that extends beyond its geographical boundaries — it's a symptom of a larger problem.
09/14/20 1:02am
As a supposedly independent college student, dealing with a toxic or abusive parent brings me back to my childhood and high school days. 
09/14/20 12:54am
I urge everyone to think about what kind of harm they’re doing to their peers when they record them on Zoom, and what kind of harm this does to the safe space of education more generally.
09/10/20 6:46pm
With your input, ideas, and guidance, we can make this moment the powerful catalyst for change that it should and must be.
09/09/20 8:33pm
Once at Penn, unless we take it upon ourselves, we can skip learning about the ways in which our society is strongly tainted by racism. This must change. All Penn students must be taught how white supremacy directly influences every element of our society. 
09/07/20 8:54pm
Thinking towards the future, one should wonder why would professors ever want to return to the previous organization of syllabus week when instead they could begin class almost right away, perhaps only devoting a 20-minute block of class time for syllabus-related or logistical questions.
09/01/20 9:25am
What matters now is that as students, we focus our energy on holding ourselves and our peers accountable to health protocols and procedures, averting one another from acting carelessly and selfishly amid rising case counts.
08/31/20 11:45am
While we will not be printing this semester, we remain more committed than ever to our digital product. Expect to see engaging new digital projects, enterprise stories, photos, and videos that will capture what it means to be a Penn student during a global pandemic. 
08/14/20 10:21pm
With over 1,000 families losing loved ones a day and with no end to the rampage in sight, Penn’s fall revision plans are well-warranted.
08/09/20 4:09pm
There is no doubt that campus initiatives create a space for sustainability education, but they are optional. We need everyone to be knowledgeable about the challenges we face with climate change. 
08/07/20 12:51pm
Contrary to popular belief, violence isn’t always physical. It encompasses the emotional, mental, sexual, and physical realms. 
08/07/20 9:44am
Since Penn is a school that focuses heavily on a variety of global experiences, it wouldn’t be surprising if the idle monotony of homebound quarantine reignited some students’ desire to resume traveling.
08/06/20 7:04pm
Harvested and stored eggs help women outsmart the impending loss of fertility that begins when we reach our mid-thirties.
08/06/20 10:58am
Even in states that are “solidly” red or blue, increased turnout can send a message of what public opinion really is, while abstentions embolden those in power to continue to ignore other voices.
08/05/20 10:32pm
Cohen stands firmly by the position that Penn’s economic impact in Philadelphia and direct investments to certain public schools outweigh paying PILOTs.
08/03/20 2:57pm
Having OCD does not equate to perfectionism, cleanliness, tidiness, or prudence — despite widespread media portrayal and cultural notions.
08/01/20 8:20pm
It shouldn’t be uncommon to know your neighbors, and it shouldn’t be uncommon to extend kindness to everyone in your community.