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Opinion Columns

12/02/20 10:39pm
In many ways, Penn’s administration is treating this term as business as usual. It clearly isn't.
12/01/20 10:21pm
Because many students come to college with little to no understanding of what sexual assault truly entails, it is not surprising that the issue runs rampant in almost every university. 
11/27/20 12:19am
We will be the historians teaching our country’s “truth.” If the weight of that feels monumental, it’s because it should. 
11/25/20 11:03am
It’s difficult enough for Penn students to be productive from home, and the struggle is only worsened by recent election anxiety and ongoing pandemic loneliness and uncertainty. Unfortunately, news providers are not on our side.
11/25/20 11:01am
With the exception of those with financial or health-related problems, there is in fact a case for international students to opt into synchronous instruction.
11/23/20 9:00am
The concerns of students must be met with transparent, decisive, and actionable responses from faculty and administration. 
11/22/20 8:54pm
We must hear the alarmingly disproportionate cries of Black mothers. We must stop engaging with the disturbing ideas surrounding the strength of Black women as a waiver for their pain.
11/17/20 11:03pm
Some activists have called for toppling all controversial statues, which they believe would set the stage for achieving racial equity. But I think a blanket removal is profoundly misleading for two reasons.
11/17/20 10:02pm
We have a lot of work to do as a nation to create a more equitable and just society. However, it’s also important to consider how wondrous it is that someone like Kamala Harris can be in office.
11/16/20 9:03pm
While I didn’t have a favorite candidate, we now have an executive team with great potential. I’ve begun to trust that together they’ll possess the strength to lead our nation in the right direction.
11/15/20 8:40pm
As students celebrate this good news and begin planning for the upcoming semester, we can only hope that another “Revision” email doesn’t appear in our inboxes.  
11/11/20 9:13pm
Outside the isolation of coastal cities and college campuses, America isn’t embracing leftism.
11/09/20 8:11pm
With both Senate elections in Georgia undecided and going to a runoff, there are two distinct directions this country could go and there is still so much more you can do to impact the trajectory we take these next four years.
11/06/20 9:11pm
Disinformation isn’t going away anytime soon, and there aren’t any clear, unbiased solutions to it. But we can cope with it better if we stop expecting certainty from our news, and strive to identify probable truths, as opposed to an absolute, undeniable one.
11/06/20 6:17pm
I’m working hard to find a company that does more than talk about inclusivity, equity, and fairness, but one that actually manifests those ideals in their actions.
11/02/20 10:23pm
It’s important to realize that while the coronavirus is not a life-threatening disease for most Penn students, the same cannot be said for many permanent residents of West Philadelphia. 
11/02/20 10:04pm
When a system like the Electoral College has flaws, the long-term approach should be to seek recourse and change its structural underpinnings. In the short term, however, abandoning a still-active system does a disservice to everyone else.
11/02/20 9:28pm
Change never happens on Election Day. It happens in the intermediary moments — in the days, weeks, and years between elections.
11/01/20 8:54pm
If we as Penn students want to act as a force of change in this country, the youth vote cannot afford to be one of idealism.
10/30/20 4:08pm
Former Vice President Biden openly stated how proud he was for his son for overcoming a drug addiction. The elder Biden is right to be proud of his son Hunter’s triumph — we all should take note of his transparency and decency.