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Opinion Columns

04/30/21 2:50pm
Columnist Caroline Magdolen urges Penn students to become vaccine ambassadors for their communities at home to help the U.S. reach herd immunity.
04/26/21 9:07pm
Columnist Isabella Glassman argues that all of us need to be having conversations about women's issues, even when the news isn't covering them.
04/25/21 2:24pm
Columnist Emily Chang argues that Penn should keep the pass/fail policy in effect for the 2021 fall semester.
04/23/21 10:49pm
Columnist Varun Saraswathula digs into when vaccinated individuals are able to hug their friends again.
04/19/21 10:54pm
Columnist Taja Mazaj argues that Penn needs to be more assertive in combating climate change, saying that "milquetoast compromises won’t cut it" when the planet is at stake.
04/16/21 9:06pm
Columnist Lexi Boccuzzi examines the complex outlook of the Republican party and right-leaning youth in a post-Trump era.
04/16/21 4:50pm
Columnist Caroline Magdolen argues that Penn should move to a randomized College House sorting system to break down stereotypes associated with the different on-campus living options.
04/15/21 6:41pm
Columnist Alex Eapen argues that the University does little to respond directly to student advocacy and, instead of lip service, should actually focus on implementing the changes students would like to see.
04/12/21 4:10pm
Columnist Taja Mazaj urges the university to be more fiscally transparent, especially when it comes to using students' tuition and fee dollars.
04/11/21 7:58pm
Columnist Emily Chang discusses the difficulty of the college house matching process for rising sophomores and how to fix it.
04/10/21 10:34pm
Columnist Andy Yoon reflects on a year of pandemic life and suggests some permanent changes that may make our lives more healthy.
04/09/21 10:03pm
Columnist Daniel Gurevitch offers his assessment of the college admissions scandal uncovered by operation Varsity Blues and how colleges can do better when admitting students.
04/08/21 9:26pm
In a special feature, columnist Varun Saraswathula examines the state of mental health on campus and assesses how we, as a campus community, can improve it.
03/31/21 7:30pm
Columnist Daniel Gurevitch urges the University to reevaluate its donations policies and be more transparent in disclosing donations from foreign sources.
03/29/21 3:12pm
Columnist Surayya Walters offers three things we can do to improve the experiences of women in business.
03/28/21 8:46pm
Columnist Isabella Glassman urges Penn students to prioritize their passions and interests instead of getting sucked in to a LinkedIn-fueled pit of finance and consulting gigs.
03/25/21 3:59pm
Columnist Lexi Boccuzzi argues that the future of the pandemic revolves as much on local governments as the federal government.
03/25/21 12:10am
Columnist Caroline Magdolen suggests that Penn can do more to promote community wellbeing while being mindful of the pandemic.
03/23/21 5:29pm
Penn Leads the Vote encourages students to vote in the upcoming local primary elections.
03/21/21 2:41pm
Columnist Varun Saraswathula digs into the human loss of the pandemic.