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Opinion Columns

01/26/10 5:34am

In Case You Missed Me | Streamlining information

It doesn’t make sense to ask students to manage an additional e-mail account when they take a class outside of their home school.
01/25/10 6:19am

That's What Schwenk Said | Minor changes, major problems

While the international development minor will be a welcome addition at Penn, similar majors shouldn’t be replacing traditional programs at Cash-Strapped State U.
01/25/10 6:13am

Wright-ing on the Wall | An end to ‘what if’

As we seniors enter our final inning of late-night exam cramming and paper writing as undergraduates, now is also the time to take an account of all the other things that we’ve left undone.
01/22/10 6:39am

Russell-ing the Leaves | Redefining activism for today

Activism ought to turn you on.
01/22/10 6:36am

Rea-lity Check | Not worth the salt

New York is already way ahead of Philadelphia and the rest of the country on this public-health concern. Considering Philly's rep, it's time to step up on innovation in public health.
01/21/10 5:28am

A Dennie For Your Thoughts | Adjustment without the anxiety

A pass/fail semester would allow students to acclimate themselves to Penn without the carnage such acclimations leave on your transcript.
01/21/10 5:25am

Penn vs Sword | Drunk on bureaucracy

Our state’s alcohol laws need to catch up with the rest of society — and finally enter the 21st century.
01/20/10 6:40am

Political Penndit | Rock the (noncitizen) vote

Governments shouldn’t prohibit legal, resident noncitizens from voting in the communities in which they, too, have a stake
01/20/10 6:32am

Ash Wednesday | Going up in smoke unfairly

The smokestack behind 30th Street Station was an architectural treasure that should not have been demolished.
01/19/10 4:45am

Roberts Rules | Making the grade, without the stress

We need some sort of notification system — via e-mail or text-message — that alerts students when a final grade has been posted on Penn InTouch.
01/19/10 4:39am

In Case You Missed Me | Let’s fly away (for less)

Airlines need to encourage college students to fly more often and more easily by offering discounts.
01/15/10 5:18am

Scientifically Blonde | Trimming the fat from study breaks

Long before that junk food has any effect on your BMI, it can take a serious toll on your GPA.
01/15/10 5:15am

Rea-lity Check | Sit back and relax

Using stress to get more done is effective, but more often than not it just makes life unpleasantly overwhelming.
01/14/10 5:48am

Penn vs Sword | Fit for curriculum

Schools must value physical health just as much as intellectual development.
01/14/10 5:44am

A Dennie For Your Thoughts | Leaving my (liberal) comfort zone

This is one of the few times in our lives when we will easily be able to branch out and explore and gain knowledge in fields previously unknown.
01/12/10 10:51pm

Say anything | Smells like tween spirit

Penn students love tween stars. I wish we didn’t, because it’s pretty embarrassing.
12/13/09 10:36pm

Southern Comfort | Censorship hits high school

Blocking content in high-school newspapers is harmful to the future of journalism.
12/13/09 10:28pm

Bieler's Day Off | Getting an A+ for effort

Getting an A+ in classes is a real possibility. The process for how these grades are awarded should be better standardized.
12/10/09 5:23am

A Dennie For Your Thoughts | ‘I've never been more proud’

As a community, we not only rejected Westboro Baptist Church's philosophy, but we offered our own.
12/10/09 5:18am

Brought To You By The Letter "A" | Go east, young Penn

Studying abroad, no matter what country, is fantastic, and more students should take advantage of this opportunity.