34th Street Magazine's "Toast" is a semi-weekly newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Delivered Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
The USDA guidelines should be a call for organizations that provide food for large groups of people to take into account not only what foods are served, but how they are offered.
Why are we honorable enough to dispense the death penalty but not to mandate community service? Penn should introduce true student juries in the disciplinary system.
Penn students tend to apply to so many different internships that they couldn’t possibly want to spend their summers doing. That’s when the propensity to exaggerate kicks in.
Penn students have fallen victim to a savvy staff with a scheming knowledge of their irresistible inventory. Surely McDonald’s must be taking advantage here.
To prevent students from choking before exams, use different ways to test them. Give them various options — take a test, give a presentation or write a paper.
Students eagerly embrace preceptorials because they represent what is best in Penn students. These seminars are built on the belief in students’ willingness to learn.