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Opinion Columns

12/01/11 1:32am
Vitamin C, Zicam, echinacea, Airborne, Cold FX. Should you invest in homeopathic cold preventions and remedies?
12/01/11 1:27am
I’m a 25-year-old undergraduate. When I returned to school, I asked myself, “Would I be that older guy buying alcohol for his friends? Would I be out of shape academically after three years of no exams?”
11/30/11 1:52am
Don’t promote self-reliance as the major contributor to economic and social mobility until everyone plays by the same rules.
11/30/11 1:38am
At any age, Thanksgiving is an opportunity to look back, to consider where you have been and where you are going.
11/29/11 1:55am
Given the administration’s current student group funding structure, it’s very difficult to host political speakers.
11/29/11 1:41am
Penn should follow the example of nearly 600 other colleges and implement a tobacco-free campus.
11/28/11 12:18am
There exists no right that permits a group of citizens to permanently “occupy” public space.
11/27/11 11:53pm
We should welcome the move from Black Friday toward virtual holiday shopping on Cyber Monday.
11/22/11 12:04am
Hippies are ruining this country, and it is beginning to really sour my milk — if you know what I mean.
11/21/11 11:09pm
It is the unconventionality and conservatism of quarterback Tim Tebow’s offense that allows the Denver Broncos to win.
11/21/11 1:15am
Now that most of our movie franchises have grown up, does that mean we have to as well?
11/21/11 1:07am
We need to force elected officials to reform Social Security and Medicare so these programs are still standing by the time we are old enough to retire.
11/18/11 12:23am
Yes, I did get accepted into Penn because of affirmative action. But so did you — and everyone else.
11/18/11 12:19am
The community-service world does not need leaders to create more organizations with identical platforms; instead, the world needs more willing supporters.
11/16/11 11:53pm
Standardized patients afford a very valuable benefit to the overly anxious medical student — a margin of error.
11/16/11 11:34pm
I fell in love with romantic comedies. And my love has proven to be as enduring as the brand of romance that they so relentlessly attempt to portray.
11/16/11 1:16am
Having adopted Pennsylvania as our home, we need to think of ourselves as residents of the state rather than just as members of the Penn community.
11/16/11 12:51am
If we take away anything from Ash Ketchum’s adventures, it should be to revere the dream and not allow other considerations to prevent it from ever being reached.
11/15/11 12:22am
Americans are fed up with congressional gridlock and partisan pandering. Penn students are, too. Unfortunately, student government is a lot like real government.
11/15/11 12:14am
The seeds of the European debt crisis lie with the creation of the euro over 10 years ago by technocrats and politicians who felt they could outsmart the financial system.