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Opinion Columns

11/16/11 11:53pm
Standardized patients afford a very valuable benefit to the overly anxious medical student — a margin of error.
11/16/11 11:34pm
I fell in love with romantic comedies. And my love has proven to be as enduring as the brand of romance that they so relentlessly attempt to portray.
11/16/11 1:16am
Having adopted Pennsylvania as our home, we need to think of ourselves as residents of the state rather than just as members of the Penn community.
11/16/11 12:51am
If we take away anything from Ash Ketchum’s adventures, it should be to revere the dream and not allow other considerations to prevent it from ever being reached.
11/15/11 12:22am
Americans are fed up with congressional gridlock and partisan pandering. Penn students are, too. Unfortunately, student government is a lot like real government.
11/15/11 12:14am
The seeds of the European debt crisis lie with the creation of the euro over 10 years ago by technocrats and politicians who felt they could outsmart the financial system.
11/14/11 12:17am
There is a dichotomy between sports and real life, and the two must be separated. While JoePa the coach was infallible, Joe Paterno the man failed a basic tenet of human responsibility.
11/14/11 12:09am
Pantyhose represent something that looks and feels dated. Legs with a powdery sheen should not be a job requirement.
11/10/11 11:46pm
Call me a verbal masochist if you will, but I request that you please keep criticizing me. Embracing criticism can be more motivating than avoiding it.
11/08/11 11:36pm
Should a building be judged on its aesthetics or on the acclaim of its architect?
11/08/11 12:44am
Our generation has drifted away from the sanctity of monogamy to, as it’s commonly known on the street, “hooking up.”
11/08/11 12:35am
Last week’s Obama event on campus focused on the short-term gain without thinking of the long-term pain that will be caused.
11/07/11 12:48am
Sexually harassed women shouldn’t remain nameless for fear becoming “another Anita Hill.”
11/07/11 12:37am
Several arguments highlight the fallibility of Rush Limbaugh’s critique of classical studies majors.
11/03/11 11:20pm
Being forced to go on scavenger hunts in the middle of the night and to dress up in humiliating apparel should not be telling of one’s dedication to a student group. MO SHAHIN: Seeing through the haze
11/03/11 10:57pm
The possibility of hating my new life never crossed my mind once before I came to Penn. Two months later, I have realized that there have been moments during which I hated school.
11/03/11 12:24am
Not getting a perfect job or flunking an assignment can very well make us feel worthless. But it’s time to start untying our self-worth from our performance.
11/02/11 1:53am
Felony disenfranchisement should never be seen as the proper execution of justice when it more closely resembles cruel and unusual punishment.
11/02/11 1:47am
As of Monday, you are one of 7 billion people on Earth. How can 7 billion voices be heard? How can 7 billion individual sets of desires be met?
11/01/11 12:56am
There aren’t enough people involved in the pro-life movement at Penn.