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Opinion Columns

02/05/13 12:04am
While some mourn the end of the era of boyfriends and girlfriends and dates at Pod, others find the hook-up culture to be less stressful than trying to hold a conversation with someone over the duration of a three-course meal and find it much more conducive to our busy schedules.
02/04/13 12:32am
Sometimes, I wonder how I have 193 friends on Facebook. To you, that figure probably seems astonishingly low. To me, it’s surprisingly high.
02/04/13 12:20am
If the Chinese have in fact entered a period of being more comfortable confronting a standard scale American presence in Southeast Asia, American response cannot be half-hearted.
02/01/13 1:01am
If the Supreme Court upholds the Appellate Court’s ruling, it will restrict executive power and create a legal mess at the NLRB and most likely at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, whose director, Richard Corday, was also appointed during a pro forma session. The Supreme Court should, however, uphold the lower court’s decision.
02/01/13 12:58am
Even in the midst of all the demand for compromise in recent years, rarely do we hear a call for voters to compromise their own political beliefs and expectations of the political system and politicians.
01/31/13 12:46am
My Hill hall is cool. We defy stereotypes. We bond all over again over “The Bachelor.” Does your hall?
01/31/13 12:35am
Historically, the value America has placed on the elderly is abysmal. We commit 1.2 million over the age of 65 to nursing homes and countless studies have reported instances of abuse. Dealing with our elders has become just another chore.
01/30/13 12:29am

Arielle Pardes | What Swedes know about sex

Sweden’s sexual laissez-faire is precisely what lured me into spending half my year in Stockholm. Throughout my semester abroad, I split my time sampling Sweden’s elite coffee scene and studying what Swedes know about sex.
01/29/13 12:11am
In my personal version of Dante’s inferno, I imagine that this is the circle of hell that comes right after the dentist’s chair during a filling and just before the rat-infested alley behind Copa.
01/29/13 12:07am
If I had been more diligent about checking the reviews on a hostel I stayed at briefly in Barcelona, I wouldn’t have my checking-out-at-4 a.m.-because-of-bed-bugs story.
01/28/13 12:58am
While rolling from Trenton to 30th Street Station, I met a sophomore from another university who scarred me for life. She told me with arrogant confidence that she was going to Philly to spend time with a boyfriend that her parents didn’t know existed.
01/28/13 12:56am
Last year, as part of the religious studies class “Living Deliberately,” I had to spend a month in silence. The experience made me realize how far I had slipped into the thoughtlessness of a busy life.
01/25/13 12:07am
Medical evidence seems to suggest that after about nine weeks, the probability of miscarriage drops significantly. This is the logical point to draw the line where human intervention is allowed.
01/24/13 11:51pm
We must refuse to raise the debt ceiling by the statutory deadline.
01/24/13 12:55am
Emailing is not that hard, in theory. Neither is texting. And, if we’re going to get really college-centric about this, Facebook messaging and G-chatting both require even less effort. So why is it that so many of us put off getting back to people?
01/24/13 12:52am
Other countries don’t like us because of our narcissistic attitude. So, in order to better participate in our globalized world and to improve our international reputation, we must become aware of more than the American side.
01/23/13 12:47am

Arielle Pardes | The city of unprotected love

The installation of condom dispensers might be a step toward safer sex in Philadelphia, but it fails to acknowledge the greater issues surrounding sexual know-how.
01/23/13 12:42am
Last Thursday, we lost the master of the art. Pauline Phillips, who wrote the most iconic advice column of all time under the pseudonym “Abigail Van Buren,” passed away at 94 years young.
01/22/13 12:55am
President Obama has surrounded himself with a team of “yes men.” These highly qualified, intelligent and cautious men are also incredibly talented at agreeing with the president.
01/22/13 12:52am
Obama has not had the opportunity to create a New Deal, Great Society, New Beginning or any lasting doctrine. This is not his fault — it is the result of partisanship, gridlock and vitriol.