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02/17/15 10:32pm
It is a key tenet of our societal notions of justice and fairness that the judgement of a single individual, no matter how deeply we might trust that individual’s commitment to do what is right, is an insufficient basis upon which to decide that a person has committed a criminal act.
02/17/15 10:22pm
The Fox family has donated over $33 million since 1999. 
02/17/15 12:01pm
Theodore Ruger, Penn Law School’s deputy dean since 2013, has been named the school’s new dean, effective July 1.
02/17/15 4:01am
Created in the wake of six student suicides in 15 months, the Task Force on Student Psychological Health and Welfare released its final report on Tuesday.
02/17/15 4:01am
US Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, has been named the 2015 Commencement Speaker.
02/16/15 1:38am
While many of our peer institutions also offer community space and more financial aid resources to international students, the request for an extended ISO, a proper transition to campus, is simple to satisfy.
02/16/15 1:25am
From renting out the Philadelphia Museum of Art during NSO to developing new campuses in San Francisco and Beijing, Penn spends lavishly to maintain its reputation as one of this country’s most coveted Ivy League universities.
02/16/15 12:32am
On Presidents' Day, a look back at Penn President Harold Stassen, who wanted to be president of something a little bigger.
02/12/15 1:21am
Finding the "Sexual Violence Policy" is more difficult than a simple, messy Google search. Upon visiting the Provost's page — either directly or via the Office of Student Conduct’s page — for an explanation of the policy, students can be greeted with a cold "Error 404" page, with an ironically tragic subtitle: "Go Home."
02/11/15 1:37am
The historic mansion at 40th and Pine Streets falls further into a complex legal battle between Penn and the community members surrounding the property. In a Commonwealth Court case on Tuesday afternoon, the Woodland Terrace Homeowners Association (WTHA) and nearby neighbors opposed Penn’s plan to replace the historic mansion at 400 S.
02/10/15 11:38pm
There are self-evident problems with mandatory community service, namely that any work done not out of altruism but out of a desire to either complete a mandatory step toward the receipt of one’s own degree or a desire to make one’s transcript more appealing to potential evaluators is probably better described as “self-service by means of community-related work” than as true community service.
02/10/15 1:08am
Is emphasizing everything the same as emphasizing nothing? Penn’s choice of a STEAM approach to education  — instead of a STEM approach — has raised this question.
02/10/15 12:24am
Of the four undergraduate schools, only Wharton and Nursing identify gender identity in their definitions of diversity.
02/08/15 10:00am
A basic guide to Payments in Lieu of Taxes.
02/05/15 12:05am
Obama's plan to provide free community college education is in its earliest stages of development.
02/04/15 1:15am
The White House Office of Science and Technology announced plans Monday to increase research funding that would bolster Penn’s research efforts, but Penn is already devoting vast resources to research and innovation. 
02/04/15 12:02am
The School of Arts and Sciences Strategic Plan's proposes to include community service, internships or research as part of graduation requirements.
02/03/15 1:42am
A progress report detailing the status of the Action Plan was released last February, and the results showed positive, albeit not overwhelming, results.
01/29/15 12:26am
Wharton Dean Geoffrey Garrett made a pit stop in Philadelphia on Wednesday — but he didn't spend much time in his office.
01/29/15 12:23am
With dozens of courses fulfilling each requirement, the College of Arts and Sciences' sectors are not particularly constraining — but administrators still want to ensure that each one does its job.