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04/14/15 11:02pm
On Tuesday, the Social Policy and Practice School, Annenberg, College, Nursing, Graduate School of Education and Law School deans gathered to discuss social issues relevant on campus and in Philadelphia. 
04/14/15 1:05am
As hundreds of recently-admitted high school students buzz around campus, the Undergraduate Admissions Office and the members of the Kite and Key Society are working hard to present Penn in a "positive light."
04/14/15 12:33am
Penn's Critical Writing Program has the largest number of full-time instructors this year in its entire history.
04/14/15 12:16am
Incoming freshmen aren’t the only ones who chose Penn — faculty members were drawn to the University for their own reasons.
04/13/15 2:55pm
The protest was sparked by the announcement that the Africa Center will close and the African Studies department will merge with the Center for Africana Studies.
04/13/15 1:38am
The donation will be used to establish the Price Lab for Digital Humanities, which aims to be this “hub” for humanities research that uses computer technology to aid students and faculty.
04/13/15 12:31am
Penn employs instructors including graduate students, lecturers and adjuncts that are not in the same category as tenure track-professors.
04/11/15 10:00am
This year’s Fling controversy isn't the only one in Penn's Fling history.
04/08/15 1:50am
Penn’s history major was ranked eighth-best in the country by College Factual in 2013, but some within the department are not so satisfied.
04/08/15 1:41am
The Campaign is a Penn initiative that aims to create conversation and dialogue between different groups on campus, and to foster a more closely knit community at Penn. It is an attempt to “to provide a forum for constructive conversations about the most difficult issues facing our students, campus community and larger society,” according to Provost Vincent Price.
04/07/15 3:12am
With construction of the Pennovation Center underway, innovation is all the rage at Penn — but many may not know that support and funding has been long available through a variety of channels within the University.
04/07/15 3:12am
The survey is being administered across 27 other universities within the AAU, which is chaired by Penn President Amy Gutmann.
04/06/15 11:29pm
Penn’s chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Epsilon, plans to officially revoke its charter with the University this week.
04/06/15 1:51am
Students interested in an individualized major must go through a series of procedures much more complicated than declaring an existing major.
04/02/15 1:35am
Noelle Melartin, the new director of the Office of Alcohol and Other Drug Program Initiatives, served as associate director from 2010 until March 2015, when she was promoted to her new position. 
04/02/15 12:07am
On Tuesday, the office of the Vice Provost for University Life announced the retirement of Director of the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Scott Reikofski after 20 years in the position.
03/31/15 12:50am
In an interview with The Daily Pennsylvanian, Penn President Amy Gutmann, who is trained in political philosophy and political science, discussed the balance between fighting racism while protecting free speech.
03/30/15 2:06am
While Penn's new mental health task force report may have invigorated student initiatives and new awareness programs to foster a more supportive culture, many students who have used Penn’s mental health resources are disappointed by the Task Force’s inadequate discussion of ongoing problems with existing services.
03/30/15 2:06am
Nursing freshman Delaney Jenkins was underwhelmed after viewing her admissions files.
03/30/15 1:38am
On Thursday, the Bioethics Commission chaired by Penn President Amy Gutmann released a report outlining fourteen recommendations addressing some of the ethical questions raised by neuroscience.