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12/10/17 8:44pm
Of the full donation, $150 million will fund an endowment which, after five years, will eliminate student loans for Columbia medical students. 
12/10/17 8:08pm
David Cohen also serves as the executive vice president of Comcast Corporation, which, if the bill passes, would be able to control the content and speed of certain websites available.
12/10/17 7:15pm
As university endowments, including Penn’s own pool of assets, have increased in value, student activists have focused intently on the choices investment managers make with school money.
12/10/17 5:45pm
As 2018 approaches, the University continues to face unanswered questions about its investments and how they will hold up against shifting federal guidelines.
12/09/17 3:47pm
SHS covers free HIV testing, but charges for tests for gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and herpes, as well as examinations for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
12/08/17 8:00pm
Penn professor Ezekiel Emanuel worked on the ACA as an advisor to Obama, and Thomas Miller co-wrote the 2011 book, “Why Obamacare is Wrong for America.” 
12/08/17 2:28pm
Fire alarms have sounded an estimated 15 times this semester in Hill, which "appear to stem from oversensitivity of sensors," administrators wrote in an email to residents on Dec. 7.
12/07/17 11:57pm
The project comes a month after Penn announced plans on Nov. 2 to spend a record-breaking $163 million on a new dormitory located on the high rise field. 
12/06/17 10:22pm
GAPSA President and council member Miles Owen said he was disappointed that the forum was so short and included only four speakers.
12/06/17 9:31pm
College freshman Cassandra Jobman, who is a member of Penn First and the QuestBridge program, was not informed of Penn's extended meal options over Thanksgiving break. 
12/03/17 3:10pm
College sophomore Aleksei Kuryla said he was skeptical that removing smoker poles on campus would effectively reduce smoking among students. 
12/02/17 3:02pm
For the 2018 academic year, the Recreation Fee was eliminated and included under the General Fee category for the first time.
11/29/17 9:34pm
In a statement, Executive Director of the Provost’s Office Leo Charney listed more than ten events associated with the "Campaign for Wellness."
11/29/17 6:34pm
Harvard's Drew Gilpin Faust is not the only university leader to publicize her institution's opposition to the bill. Penn President Amy Gutmann called the bill "regressive" in an emailed statement sent to all University students and staff in early November.
11/29/17 2:05pm
For the first time, faculty members, alumni, and staff on campus were invited to host students for meals during their Thanksgiving breaks. 
11/27/17 11:00pm
The student, known as John Doe in court documents, was accused of sexual assault by another student, Jane Roe, in June of 2016. Penn found him responsible for sexual misconduct. 
11/26/17 11:45am
Penn said the name of the dorm would be temporary, but NCH has yet to receive a new one. Now, a new building near the west end of campus is being named New College House West.
11/25/17 2:20pm
In several announcements throughout November, the Trump administration has left tens of thousands of migrants from El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Haiti with just months to leave the country. 
11/20/17 11:15am
In a school-wide email, Gutmann wrote that CAPS will hire five new full-time members and introduce a system for students to review administrative process within the department. 
11/19/17 9:07pm
Penn held a design competition in 1999 for architects to submit proposals for New College House West, which was announced just this month that it will be built.