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09/27/18 11:00pm
Penn Vice President for Finance and Treasurer MaryFrances McCourt announced at the Board of Trustees meeting last night Penn's undergraduate endowment topped $1 billion this year.
09/27/18 1:55am
UA President Michael Krone told the DP that the increased cost of living off campus was one of the two main concerns among student leaders briefed of the plan beforehand.
09/26/18 11:35pm
In three years, all undergraduate sophomores will be required to live in college housing. Sophomores will not be permitted to live in on-campus Greek houses.
09/26/18 3:46pm
In the wake of Bill Alexander's absence, CAPS Deputy Executive Director Meeta Kumar has implemented several new initiatives in his noticeable absence.
09/25/18 8:21pm
The new proposal aims to capture the attention of trustees by highlighting the financial advantages of divestment from coal and tar sands. 
09/25/18 3:36pm
Cosby, who was born and raised in Philadelphia, was accused in 2016 of committing sexual assault at the Penn Relays in 2004. He received a Doctorate of Laws from Penn in 1990 and spoke at Commencement in 1997.
09/21/18 5:51pm
The Philadelphia native completed his undergraduate studies at Princeton in 1947 and later received a Master of Fine Arts from Princeton in 1950. He received an honorary degree from Penn in 1980.
09/20/18 9:20pm
Dubé raised ideas such as centralizing Student Health Services and CAPS, abolishing grades for freshman year, and creating programs like 'Thrive at Penn' for grades beyond freshman year.
09/20/18 7:22pm
Penn professors hail the appointment of Jeb Bush to Presidential Professor of Practice as an intelligent move that will promote bipartisanship on campus.
09/19/18 9:21pm
A 2018 ranking names Penn President Amy Gutmann as the highest paid leader among Philadelphia non-profit organizations.
09/18/18 9:59pm
The office would consist of a single staff member serving as the first point of contact for complaints or questions relating to sexual misconduct allegations. 
09/17/18 12:09am
On Oct. 17, Bush will be speaking at a Penn Political Union event, which is funded by the Andrea Mitchell Center, Center Director and Political Science professor Jeffrey Green wrote in an email to The Daily Pennsylvanian.
09/16/18 11:08pm
The Daily Pennsylvanian sat down with Penn's first-ever Chief Wellness Officer, a physician who beat out hundreds of candidates for the job. 
09/16/18 11:04pm
At the first GBM this semester, the UA passed a resolution to urge Penn’s Board of Trustees to divest from companies involved in coal and tar sands, two particularly harmful fossil fuels.
09/16/18 8:53pm
All requests for leave from students who have recently given birth or adopted a child are sent to Family Resource Center. Before, these requests would go through the student's individual department. 
09/15/18 1:06pm
For many students who planned on transferring or pursuing dual degrees, this policy shift, which was never formally announced, has made it nearly impossible.
09/09/18 6:18pm
Both Terri Lipman and Vivian Gadsden have worked extensively in child welfare and have been involved in Penn Futures for several years. 
09/05/18 9:00pm
The survey helps inform many ongoing mental health initiatives among the graduate student community, including the establishment of Penn Franklins, a graduate peer support group. 
09/03/18 10:37pm
Experts and campus anti-assault groups say these proposed rules could affect the way sexual misconduct is handled at universities such as Penn in significant ways, with the potential to make it more difficult for complainants to voice their concerns.
08/30/18 4:17pm
Wharton administrators say they decided to change Huntsman Hall's opening hours after 'collaborative discussions' with students, but it is still unclear to what extent student feedback was taken into account.