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09/19/18 9:21pm
A 2018 ranking names Penn President Amy Gutmann as the highest paid leader among Philadelphia non-profit organizations.
09/18/18 9:59pm
The office would consist of a single staff member serving as the first point of contact for complaints or questions relating to sexual misconduct allegations. 
09/17/18 12:09am
On Oct. 17, Bush will be speaking at a Penn Political Union event, which is funded by the Andrea Mitchell Center, Center Director and Political Science professor Jeffrey Green wrote in an email to The Daily Pennsylvanian.
09/16/18 11:08pm
The Daily Pennsylvanian sat down with Penn's first-ever Chief Wellness Officer, a physician who beat out hundreds of candidates for the job. 
09/16/18 11:04pm
At the first GBM this semester, the UA passed a resolution to urge Penn’s Board of Trustees to divest from companies involved in coal and tar sands, two particularly harmful fossil fuels.
09/16/18 8:53pm
All requests for leave from students who have recently given birth or adopted a child are sent to Family Resource Center. Before, these requests would go through the student's individual department. 
09/15/18 1:06pm
For many students who planned on transferring or pursuing dual degrees, this policy shift, which was never formally announced, has made it nearly impossible.
09/09/18 6:18pm
Both Terri Lipman and Vivian Gadsden have worked extensively in child welfare and have been involved in Penn Futures for several years. 
09/05/18 9:00pm
The survey helps inform many ongoing mental health initiatives among the graduate student community, including the establishment of Penn Franklins, a graduate peer support group. 
09/03/18 10:37pm
Experts and campus anti-assault groups say these proposed rules could affect the way sexual misconduct is handled at universities such as Penn in significant ways, with the potential to make it more difficult for complainants to voice their concerns.
08/30/18 4:17pm
Wharton administrators say they decided to change Huntsman Hall's opening hours after 'collaborative discussions' with students, but it is still unclear to what extent student feedback was taken into account.
08/29/18 11:57pm
This fall, only 194 students are abroad — the lowest number in recent history. Of the 194 students, 55 of them are seniors.
08/29/18 9:59pm
Kings Court English House, DuBois College House, and Gregory College House do not have air-conditioning, and residents have been competing to sleep in the few cool spots in the dorms.
08/29/18 9:16pm
After months of graduate and professional student activism for better discrimination reporting, Penn rolls out the online form. 
08/29/18 1:15pm
Bachman will replace John L. Jackson, Jr., who was appointed dean of the Annenberg School For Communication last spring. Both appointments will be effective Jan. 1, 2019. 
08/28/18 1:50pm
Some student leaders in the first-generation, low-income community have expressed concern about the lack of student input in forming the office.
08/28/18 11:55am
Former Wharton junior Olivia Kong died by suicide in April 2016, and her parents took legal action against Penn this April.
08/27/18 11:39pm
School of Arts and Sciences Dean Steven Fluharty announced a number of structural changes to the Fels Institute including the appointment of two faculty program directors in May. 
08/27/18 10:17pm
Hewitt confirmed that her previous position as senior associate director for Wharton undergraduates has been filled by David Ross, who was previously associate director. 
08/27/18 8:14pm
Houston Market’s construction was officially completed Aug. 19, but the building itself was not open to students until the first day of classes on Aug. 28.