34th Street Magazine's "Toast" is a semi-weekly newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Delivered Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
At the forum, held at the LGBT Center, students criticized Penn for the lack of significant change from the last AAU survey in 2015 to the report that was released earlier this month.
ASAM has struggled with maintaining leadership since the founding director of the program left Penn in 2017. Park was named the ASAM program's interim director in 2018 and was set to serve for a year.
Provost Wendell Pritchett said the University plans to expand staff members for Penn Violence Prevention and create a series of focus groups to analyze the survey responses.
At Penn, 25.9% of undergraduate women said they had experienced unwanted sexual contact since entering college, a decline from 27.2% in 2015. Among undergraduate men, the rate rose from 5.5% to 7.3%. Among transgender, genderqueer, and non-binary undergraduates, the rate rose from 19% in 2015 to 21.5% in 2019.
At 8 a.m., protesters will begin to march from the Starbucks located at 34th and Walnut streets toward the Sansom entrance of the Penn Law school building. The protest will then continue in front of the law school building until 9 a.m. when classes begin for law students.
Duckworth said the goal of the class is to help students find and engage with their passion — the main part of the course will involve students picking a new skill and reflecting as they pursue and develop it further.
“Plot twist: turns out that man is Eric Furda, the University of Pennsylvania’s dean of admissions,” Colbert said to horrified laughter from the audience.
Yoshida, a 1995 graduate from the Graduate School of Education, brings an extensive background in intercultural education and community work to her new role.
President Amy Gutmann began the Sept. 11 meeting with a moment of silence for Greg Eells, the former executive director of of Counseling and Psychological Services, who died on Monday.
Nominations and Elections Committee Chair and College senior Olivia Crocker said the NEC is hoping to place an emphasis on mental wellness internally and in the elected branches of student government through their role as election facilitators.
For over two decades, Penn Press has been led by Eric Halpern, who took the position in 1995. Francis, who will succeed Halpern on Sept. 23, will be the press’s 13th director.
Holahan comes to Penn from Georgetown, where she had worked as the Academic Director for the Institute for College Preparation, a pre-college program with a 30 year history supporting underrepresented first-generation low-income students in D.C.
Eells was appointed to lead CAPS in January 2019 and started his term in March. Penn informed the community of the death Monday afternoon, but did not specify the cause of death.
Anthropology professor and Undergraduate Chair Katherine Moore said the new concentration was created because of interest from students and faculty in past years, amid the growing benefit of studying anthropology through an environmental lens.
Nguyen will assume a new role as executive director of Harvard University Health Services on Nov. 18, Chief Wellness Officer Benoit Dubé announced Thursday.