34th Street Magazine's "Toast" is a semi-weekly newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Delivered Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
In an email signed by Penn President Amy Gutmann and other Penn officials, Gutmann referred to Wallace Jr. as a neighbor of the Penn community, and his killing as a "death" with no mention of the word "police," escalating student outrage.
While some professors have implemented anti-cheating measures like "live proctoring" on Zoom, students claim that many professors have failed to take necessary precautions against cheating even in the face of inflated class scores.
Emanuel, who is also healthcare advisor to former Vice Presidnt Joe Biden, said he believes that conditions are likely to improve only by November 2021. It could, however, be feasible to reopen colleges and universities before then depending on how a potential vaccine is rolled out.
The program, which will launch in January 2021, will select and fund 10 Nursing students annually across the undergraduate and graduate degree-levels, Director of Media Relations Ron Ozio wrote in a press release.
Rep. Joseph Kennedy III (D-Mass.) and Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) sent a letter to 25 colleges and universities on July 10, requesting information regarding the participation of women and minority-owned asset management firms in the administration of endowment assets.
While some students said the virtual setting could not match the same exciting atmosphere of the in-person traditions, most students and faculty still deemed this year's online celebrations an overall success.
Gutmann, who is the highest paid president in the Ivy League with a salary of $3.6 million in 2017, has taken a pay freeze for the 2019-2020 academic year. Meanwhile, presidents of four other Ivy League schools have taken pay cuts of 20% or more.
This semester, VPUL Mamta Motwani Accapadi hopes to provide students with the resources they need to vote in the upcoming presidential election and help the Penn community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many students said the remote semester greatly diminishes the MBA experience where students can no longer network in-person or take advantage of Wharton-sponsored traveling and co-curricular activities.
This year's endowment had a return rate — the percent of growth from investing the endowment funds — of just 3.4%, continuing the downward trend in return rates since fiscal year 2017 which recorded a 14.3% return rate.
The guide, published annually, was written by various student groups including Penn Community for Justice, Police Free Penn, the Penn Slavery Project, Fossil Free Penn, Philly Jobs with Justice, and the Coalition Against Fraternity Sexual Assault.
In response to the financial downturn brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the presidents of four other Ivy League schools have taken pay cuts of 20% or more for this academic year.
The previous messaging system for COVID-19 tests sent students emails with results, but the new system asks students to log into a portal and independently retrieve their results.
FGLI students at Penn maintain that the pandemic has certainly hit FGLI students and students of color harder than other students, citing their struggles to secure housing during the pandemic and "disjointed" communication from administration.
For the past four months, Graduate Employees Together — University of Pennsylvania, the union of graduate and professional students at Penn, has been demanding a one-year extension of funding for all doctoral students.
The statement, posted to the law school’s Facebook page on Sept. 23 at 8:51 a.m., included an excerpt from Wax's book review — published in Claremont Review of Book's Winter 2020 edition — on Jane Sherron De Hart's "Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life."
Although this testing is not mandatory, Chief Wellness Officer Benoit Dubé encouraged all off-campus students, especially those with three or more roommates, to sign up for weekly testing.
While all seven other Ivy League institutions either have at least one day off in the middle of the semester, a week-long Thanksgiving break, or both, Penn's fall semester only features a four-day Thanksgiving break.
While the Chemistry department must endure the same budget cut as the other SAS departments, Chemistry Ph.D. students are typically supported by research grants from government agencies.