34th Street Magazine's "Toast" is a semi-weekly newsletter with the latest on Penn's campus culture and arts scene. Delivered Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
Burns, an Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker and Academy Award nominee, will give the Commencement speech and receive an honorary doctor of arts degree from Penn.
The resolution calls on the University to provide increased transparency regarding Wax's sanctions hearing procedure, public notice of any sanctions levied, and an expansion of measures on campus to combat hateful speech.
Testimonies began on Wednesday, Feb. 9 and included over two hours of video deposition from John Stein, Ao "Olivia" Kong’s then-psychiatrist at Penn's Counseling and Psychological Services.
The donation from Wharton graduate Leonard Lauder will fund a program to recruit and prepare a group of nurse practitioners to work in underserved communities across the nation.
Associate Vice Provost for University Life Sharon Smith and PVP Associate Director Reema Malhotra are currently leading PVP, according to VPUL's Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives Michael Elias.
At her farewell party, Former Penn President Amy Gutmann took photo with students, performing arts groups paid her tribute, and Quaker gave her one last hug.
Gutmann, who resigned from the Penn presidency on Tuesday, sent an invitation emailed to all undergraduate students which stated the event will be held on Feb. 10 from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
With positive COVID-19 cases among undergraduate students continuing to soar, more students than ever need advice on what to do after receiving a positive test result.
Gutmann was confirmed by a vote of 54 to 42 when the Senate convened Tuesday afternoon. President Joe Biden officially nominated Gutmann after months of speculation on July 2, 2021.
Path@Penn, which was created by Next Generation Student System, will be a renovated version of Penn InTouch and offers many changes that students have been asking for.
Pritchett will serve until University of Virginia Provost M. Elizabeth "Liz" Magill begins her tenure as Penn's ninth president on July 1. He will be the first Black individual to serve as Penn president.
Students who report their positive test can expect instant information and answers from PennOpen Pass and will automatically be put on the Penn Wellness team’s radar.
The memorandum of agreement between the two institutions was confirmed at a Jan. 27 School District of Philadelphia board meeting with no dissenting votes.
In a Feb. 1 email, Penn announced that the restriction on indoor social gatherings and event registration will remain, citing the doubling of COVID-19 positivity among undergraduate students.