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09/02/14 10:30pm
As students return to campus looking to get involved with extracurricular activities, Penn Democrats, one of the most active political organizations on campus, has a prominent recruiting tool: Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter.
09/01/14 9:42pm
While gridlock in Washington, D.C. continues to cripple countless legislative efforts from across the political spectrum, Penn’s legislative agenda has been left to suffer.
08/20/14 8:22pm

PennDems hopeful for 2016 national convention in Philadelphia

The Democratic National Committee named Philadelphia as a finalist to host the 2016 Democratic convention, where delegates will officially nominate the party's candidate for President.
07/30/14 8:45pm
Medical Ethics and Health Policy professor Jennifer Prah Ruger and Law School professor Theodore Ruger teamed up with Boston University professor George Annas to write an article released in the New England Journal of Medicine. They discuss the controversial five to four Hobby Lobby decision and argue that drugs and devices critical to health should be universally available.
06/18/14 7:17pm
Despite speculation of a bid for the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton gave attendees no inclination of her political plans. Buttons emblazoned with slogans like "Hillary 2016" and "Madame President" were spattered throughout the crowd.
06/18/14 6:13pm
Selection criteria include whether the city has facilities capable of staging the event and if there are enough hotels to accommodate the delegates and media. The final decision will be announced later in 2014 or in early 2015.
05/25/14 1:46pm
After a court decision struck down the ban against same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Governor Tom Corbett decided not to appeal the decision despite his conflicting personal beliefs. The Daily Pennsylvanian takes a look at why he may have ended the fight.
05/21/14 5:00pm

Pennsylvania primary election knocks Penn affiliates out of race

Four affiliates of the University lost their respective elections for nominations. Democratic gubernatorial nominee Tom Wolf will face off against incumbent Tom Corbett in November.
04/27/14 3:01pm

State rep incumbent: To fix Philadelphia schools, we need a 'funding formula'

State representative James Roebuck is running for reelection for the 188th Legislative District, which encompasses Penn’s campus. The Daily Pennsylvanian spoke to Roebuck about his political platform.
04/23/14 9:45pm

Democratic state rep hopeful talks education, equality

Algernong Allen is running for state representative in Pennsylvania’s 188th District, which includes University City, West and Southwest Philadelphia.
04/06/14 9:53pm

Grad students lobby Congress for NIH funding

The Science Policy Group, an organization of Penn graduate students from a variety of fields, organized a trip to Capitol Hill on March 26 to lobby for the passage of a bill that would increase NIH funds from $30 billion to $32 billion for fiscal year 2015.
03/27/14 4:32pm

Three students to run for local ward committees

Three Penn students, two Democrats and one Republican, are running for seats on their respective party’s local ward committees, according to ward committee leaders.
03/19/14 8:25pm
Even though 1984 Law School graduate John Hanger withdrew from the Democratic gubernatorial primary last week, he believes that his campaign's message had a lasting impact on the dialogue between the candidates.
03/13/14 12:56pm

Alum withdraws from Pa. governor race

Former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and 1984 Law School graduate John Hanger announced Thursday that he would no longer be pursuing the Democratic Party’s nomination for governor.
03/03/14 3:52pm
Only four of 20 seats on the Democratic ward committee - a political group which represents the party on a local level - near Penn are currently filled, and none of them are held by Penn students or faculty.
02/11/14 8:43pm

Philadelphia Police headquarters may move to West Phila.

The proposed plan would place the headquarters at 46th and Market streets.
02/11/14 7:33pm
Two Penn alumni have raised over $1 million each in Pennsylvania's Democratic gubernatorial primary election.
02/09/14 5:10pm

Penn Ukrainians see unity emerging from protests

The DP has reached out to several Ukrainian student and faculty members in order to listen to their thoughts on the crisis currently affecting their homeland.
02/06/14 10:20pm
Biden showed strong support for the new Amtrak locomotive as the engine of technological, environmental and economical progress.
02/04/14 10:07pm

Corbett budget proposes stable funding for Penn Vet

The Republican governor proposed $28 million for Penn Vet in his budget, which will have to pass the Republican-held legislature before it is finalized.