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11/03/14 10:46pm
Luckily, however, voters need not merely vote against the past four years. They can go to the polls and vote for the future. Tom Wolf, whom President Bill Clinton called “the best candidate for governor in America,” offers the chance for a new, progressive direction for Pennsylvania.
11/03/14 2:13am
President Obama joined in a Tom Wolf for Governor campaign rally on Sunday at Temple University in Philadelphia.
10/30/14 1:45am
If there's one thing for students to take away from Penn’s annual Political Action Week, it's to get involved early and often.
10/28/14 11:12pm
Non-monosexual people often face a similar issue of erasure. “Pansexuality doesn’t exist.” “It’s just a way to get attention.” “It is a stepping stone to ‘truly’ coming out.” These remarks, all of which I’ve heard, are ways of discrediting someone else’s sexual orientation, and their romantic and sexual attractions and experiences. Non-monosexual women are told we are catering to the male gaze, and non-monosexual men are told that they are “actually” gay and just haven’t fully come out yet. Both stereotypes are false and harmful.
10/23/14 2:25am

University prepares to lobby new state legislature for Penn Vet funding

As Election Day nears, Penn's state lobbyist isn't focusing as much on the governor's race as he is on convincing new state legislators why Penn Vet funding is so important.
10/14/14 2:06am
As Philadelphia prepares to decriminalize marijuana on October 20, 2014, students and staff at different universities agreed that this decision wouldn’t change anything about their individual policies on how they deal with marijuana.
10/13/14 1:21am
While decriminalization of marijuana takes affect in Philadelphia on Oct. 20, the issue of medical marijuana in Pennsylvania has been making its way to the forefront of the gubernatorial election.
10/08/14 1:47am
After an attack on a gay couple, the House Judiciary Committee approved a bill that would expand Pennsylvania's hate crime law to cover sexual orientation.
10/07/14 1:51am
Since February 2013, Penn’s Cultural Heritage Center has been working with Syrians to safeguard the country's artifacts and heritage sites from ISIS, President Bashar al-Assad's forces and looters.
10/06/14 1:31am
As federal legislators take up the effort to combat sexual assault on campuses, Penn administrators have concerns with a proposed bill to change sexual assault protocols at colleges across the country.
09/30/14 1:52am
On Sept. 17, Penn Law alum and current professor, Ken Trujillo, declared that he will be running for Mayor of Philadelphia next year.
09/25/14 1:55am
Throughout the week, Penn for Syrian Refugees, Penn Arab Student Society and Al Bustan Seeds of Culture are hosting Syria Awareness Week.
09/24/14 1:29am
Penn for Pennsylvania, a student group recently started by three freshman hall mates, has been lobbying for a Pennsylvania gubernatorial debate to be held at Penn’s Annenberg Center.
09/22/14 2:02am

New coalition brings differing political opinions together

Last Thursday was the inaugural session of the Penn Political Union, a new branch of the Government and Politics Association. The organization is the first central political institution for people of all political perspectives at Penn to voice their ideas and opinions.
09/22/14 1:35am
A group of 90 Penn students took to the streets of New York on Sunday to participate in the People's Climate March
09/22/14 1:26am

With elections looming, Penn groups push for voter registration

In anticipation for the midterm elections, Penn has a jam-packed schedule for National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, Sept. 23.
09/19/14 5:42pm
Under the new law, a person stopped with less than 30 grams of marijuana will only have to pay a $25 fine
09/18/14 1:02am
While Penn’s presence and power on Wall Street has been well documented, over the last few years Penn and its alumni have been gradually working to build their influence in Washington D.C.
09/11/14 3:07am
While New York and the rest of the country were sent into a fit of chaos and confusion, Penn’s campus reflected very much the same picture.
09/10/14 9:32am
In the near future, having a little bit of weed in your pocket while strolling the streets of Philadelphia will not make you a criminal.