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04/14/15 1:03am
While Penn students might see Spring Fling as the biggest upcoming event, for those interested in Philadelphia politics, the Democratic mayoral primary race might be more exciting.
04/14/15 12:50am
Anderson Cooper will speak at Penn on April 28 in an event brought to Penn by the Social Planning and Events Committee.
04/13/15 1:37am
The conference occurred as Obama met Cuban President Raúl Castro.
04/13/15 12:31am
On Sunday, Clinton’s campaign team released a two-minute video in which she announced her campaign. She will head to Philadelphia over the summer for the Democratic National Convention.
04/12/15 10:00am
Philadelphians will head to the polls on May 19 for the Democratic primary elections for City Council and Mayor.
04/09/15 1:28am
With no advertising campaign yet, Lynne Abraham will need to generate more of a prominent message.
04/08/15 1:40am
Abraham recovered but could not finish the debate.
04/08/15 1:38am
The only Republican candidate running for mayor wants Philadelphians to have alternatives.
04/06/15 1:49am
Penn Divest from Displacement proposes that the University divest from corporations that profit through practices that displace people. 
04/02/15 12:05am
Nutter began his speech with a humorous memory as a Penn undergraduate.
04/01/15 11:14pm
From a policy standpoint, the most important thing is that policy makers are upfront with the American people about these tradeoffs.
04/01/15 11:13pm
While President Obama’s proposal to increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 languishes in the Republican-controlled Congress, Penn Democrats applauds Governor Tom Wolf’s effort to increase Pennsylvania's minimum wage.
04/01/15 12:01am
Democratic Candidate for Philadelphia Mayor Doug Oliver previously worked in the administration of Former Pennsylvania Governor and Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell.
04/01/15 12:00am
Sherrie Cohen, a 1975 College graduate, looks to become the first openly gay candidate elected to City Council. 
03/31/15 12:25am
Despite the resolution's landslide 15-1 approval in the Council, Nutter has not expressed support for PILOTs.
03/26/15 11:51pm
Despite rising pressure from government officials, University administrators continue to firmly oppose PILOT payments.
03/25/15 2:43am

First of three public hearings held on medical marijuana legalization

The hearing was held at Pennsylvania Hospital, one of Penn Medicine’s medical facilities.
03/25/15 2:40am
Five Democratic mayoral candidates responded creatively to questions and took the chance to critique each other's views.
03/24/15 1:35am
It takes a congressman to know Congress.
03/24/15 1:34am
While some Penn students were partying away on the beach in Mexico and others were at home binge-watching Netflix, some students spent their Spring Break making a difference.