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09/27/16 2:36am
"Hillary Clinton has been that role model for me since 1992," Banks said. "She’s my queen. She’s my democratic ideal.”
09/27/16 2:30am
1996 College graduate and actress Elizabeth Banks came to Penn Monday to support Hillary Clinton and encourage Penn students to vote in November. Here are five things we learned about her life and political views.
09/27/16 2:24am
Several student groups of varying political interests and affiliations at Penn hosted viewing parties Monday night.
09/23/16 10:21am
Josh Shapiro currently serves as Chairman of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and Chairman of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners.
09/23/16 10:12am
In addition to its continuing efforts on voter registration, Penn Leads the Vote wants to promote a voting culture at Penn and promote voting around campus.
09/22/16 4:31pm
The decision came upon the unanimous recommendation of an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Divestment assigned to review divestment.
09/21/16 11:41pm
Even in an election where Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump once called Mexican immigrants “criminals” and “rapists,” there is little evidence showing that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is performing any better among Latino voters compared to previous Democratic presidential candidates. 
09/21/16 1:59am
Jonathan Zimmermann's book, "Campus Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know," puts student demonstrations in a historical context.
09/17/16 2:22pm
"Officer Miller’s bravery underscores the courage and professionalism of our Penn Police force," Gutmann said. "We are blessed to have the best university police department in the nation."
09/15/16 2:27pm
On Wednesday, UMOJA hosted a student panel discussion about what issues are most important to minorities in the 2016 election.
09/15/16 12:27am
In today's political climate, it can sometimes seem impossible for the two major parties to come together on any issue. A new Penn group hopes to change that.
09/14/16 12:45am
“I couldn’t be more proud of the leader who will take my place,” Obama said. “I will do everything in my power to get her reelected.”
09/14/16 12:39am
“This is a fundamental choice about who we are as a people,” Obama said. “This is a choice about the meaning of America.”
09/13/16 1:02pm
Some students back Republican nominee on largely liberal campus.
09/13/16 2:30am
Penn City and Regional Planning professor William Grigsby sees holes in Clinton’s plan.
09/12/16 12:12am
For Penn students who call Puerto Rico their home, there is a clear answer to the debt crisis.
09/10/16 5:15pm
“Let’s talk about the large orange elephant in the room, Donald Trump.” Warren said, to a chorus of boos. “Donald Trump is a small, insecure money-grubber who will never be president of the United States!”
09/10/16 6:00am
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have both cited college tuition and student debt as issues they intend to address during their presidencies if elected.
09/09/16 3:13pm
The group did not officially decline to support the nominee, but admitted its members were divided on the presidential race.
09/07/16 11:18pm
Clinton’s campaign has had a large presence on Penn’s campus by trying to get new students to register to vote in the influential swing state as well as to participate in the 2016 election.