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01/31/11 11:33pm
Professors at Penn are split over whether 1987 Penn alumnus Jon Huntsman’s resignation indicates plans for a Republican presidential run in 2012.
01/26/11 7:12am

Students weigh in on Obama

As President Barack Obama headed into his second State of the Union, political talk centered around his first two years and his imminent campaign for re-election.
01/20/11 2:59am

Ariz. shooting raises concerns over politicians' safety

In response to the shooting, Rep. Bob Brady (D-Pa.) announced he would introduce legislation to make it a federal crime to threaten congressmen and their staff while they are on official duty.
01/19/11 2:13am

Alum leads Giffords' recovery

Michael Lemole, a 1995 School of Medicine alumnus, is one of three primary doctors for the congresswoman who was shot in the head outside a Tucson, Ariz., supermarket on Jan. 8.
01/14/11 5:53am

Palin comment upsets Jewish groups

A statement issued by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin in response to criticism levied at her included the term "blood libel," angering Jewish organizations across the nation.
01/13/11 3:36am
According to a Jan. 1 Newsweek article, Penn alumnus and United States Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, Jr. might be gearing up for a possible run at the 2012 presidency.
12/20/10 2:00pm

Senate repeals DADT but shatters DREAM

The U.S. Senate handed student activists mixed results this weekend, derailing the DREAM Act but putting an end to the ban on openly gay individuals serving in the military.
12/16/10 5:06am

Obama's panel on bioethics releases first report

A new report released Thursday from Obama's panel on bioethics, chaired by Penn President Amy Gutmann, is calling for more transparency and oversight of synthetic biology research.
12/15/10 8:09am

Obama taps former Penn President Rodin for advisory board

Judith Rodin, who served as Penn's president from 1994 to 2004, was appointed to the White House Council for Community Solutions on Monday.
12/13/10 1:08am

Tax cut compromise may benefit students

President Obama recently agreed to extend income tax cuts for all American citizens, as opposed to his former stance to extend benefits for all but the wealthiest two percent of Americans. The compromise — which will be presented to the Senate Monday — includes a plan for tuition spending as well.
12/12/10 11:51pm

New START treaty delayed in Senate

College Republicans and Penn Dems hold different views regarding the nuclear arms agreement signed by President Obama and Russian President Medvedev in April.
12/10/10 4:49am

DREAM Act derailed in Senate vote

The lame-duck Senate voted Thursday to delay a vote on the DREAM Act — a measure that aims to grant citizenship to immigrants who are not legal residents.
12/09/10 5:34am

House passes students’ DREAM

Student activists at Penn were encouraged by the passage of the DREAM Act in the House on Tuesday night. The Senate is expected to vote on the bill Thursday.
12/08/10 6:16am

Suburb to vote on LGBT bill

While the debate over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights continues at the national level, one Penn student is pushing for LBGT equality locally.
12/07/10 5:32am
The Democratic Socialists and the Penn Tea Party met Monday to discuss current political issues. The five-student panel debated on topics ranging from education to the role of government in taxation.
12/07/10 5:02am

Penn Caucus brings funds to the University

The Penn Caucus — a group designed to educate members of the Pennsylvania state legislature about the value of Penn — advocates for University funding on the floor of the general assembly.
12/06/10 2:41am

Students skeptical of congressional term limits

In an election year featuring heavy anti-incumbent sentiment, dozens of incoming lawmakers have pledged to limit their congressional terms — which some Penn politicos oppose.
12/03/10 2:36am
College sophomores Isabel Friedman and Jake Shuster will take charge of the Penn Democrats as president and vice president, respectively. Having been elected Wednesday, they discussed their plans for the group with The DP.
11/24/10 4:53am

E-bullying in national spotlight

A bill introduced in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives would require universities that receive federal funding to prohibit harassment based on a student’s sexual orientation.
11/19/10 5:18am

Obama taps alum as U.N. rep

Penn alumnus Joe Torsella, an active figure in Pennsylvania government and politics, was named to a position in President Barack Obama’s administration on Monday.