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03/25/11 4:11am
Philadelphia Mayor and Penn alumnus Michael Nutter was in Houston Hall Thursday to receive an official endorsement from the Penn Democrats in his mayoral campaign for re-election.
03/24/11 3:25am

Mobile polling extends vote to nursing homes

A study by the Medical School found that having trained election officials administer polls would enfranchise senior citizens, who are often deemed unable to vote by nursing home staff.
03/18/11 4:05am

Penn largely unaffected by state budget cuts

A 51.4-percent reduction will affect mostly state-related universities, though Penn's Veterinary School saw some funding cuts.
03/02/11 3:56am
The Nutter mayoral campaign faces little opposition thus far.
02/28/11 4:09am

Penn profs hold conflicting views on Middle East revolutions

The United States might be partly to blame for recent revolts throughout the world, according to some Penn professors.
02/25/11 4:18am

Huntsman spotting spurs claims of U.S. support for 'Jasmine Revolution'

Penn alumnus Jon Huntsman, Jr. was not expecting to elicit claims that the U.S. is supporting the "Jasmine Revolution" protests in China when he strolled through a busy area in Beijing.
02/24/11 6:03pm

Penn prof suggests bankruptcy option for states

If a plan outlined by Law School professor David Skeel were passed, states in dire financial straits would be able to declare bankruptcy.
02/24/11 6:15am
College sophomore Isabel Friedman attracted media attention after asking former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich a controversial question Tuesday.
02/24/11 4:51am

Obama: DOMA is unconstitutional

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama instructed the Department of Justice to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits federal recognition of gay marriage.
02/23/11 7:27am
Former Speaker of the House and potential 2012 presidential candidate Newt Gingrich inspired hostile behavior among students Tuesday.
02/22/11 5:08am

Planned Parenthood funds at risk

On Friday, the Republican-dominated House of Representatives passed an amendment stripping Planned Parenthood of all federal funding, with a vote of 240 to 185.
02/18/11 5:22am

Black politics panel draws diverse crowd

The forum discussion, hosted by both Penn and Drexel University groups, ranged from religion and education to Obama's policies.
02/16/11 6:32am

Obama, GOP propose Pell Grant cuts

The Republicans’ spending bill and President Obama’s plan both propose to cut into the Pell Grant program, which gives need-based grant money to low-income students.
02/14/11 4:38am

Egyptian protest was ‘a revolution’

Friday’s announcement that former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak will step down was met with jubilation that spread from Cairo’s Tahrir Square to Penn's campus.
02/11/11 4:23am
At the Penn Bookstore, Mary Frances Berry discussed her new book about the stories behind Obama’s words as he progressed from the campaign to the presidency.
02/10/11 4:04am

Students respond to proposed abortion bill

Republicans have retracted a controversial proposal to redefine rape for the purposes of limiting federal funding for abortions, but they have brought other contentious issues to the podium, such as the Protect Life Act.
02/04/11 3:45am

Obama aims for affordable higher education

Penn has expressed support for the goals the president outlined in his State of the Union address, which include increasing enabling lower-income students to attend college.
02/03/11 8:08am

Students split over controversial documentary on Iran

Iranium — a documentary about Iran’s nuclear power program — premiered at the Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology on Wednesday night.
02/01/11 6:11am

Internet shutdown doesn't deter protesters

Following widespread protests on January 25, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak instituted internet censorship in an attempt to curb protesting.
02/01/11 6:04am
The reverberations of the Egypt protests against President Hosni Mubarak’s nearly 30-year-old regime have been felt a world away, here on campus.