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06/21/11 11:00pm
Speaking from Liberty Park in Jersey City, N.J., 1987 College grad and former Ambassador to China Jon M. Huntsman Jr. announced his presidential campaign for the 2012 election.
06/16/11 4:27am

Huntsman joins the presidential race

1987 College graduate Jon Huntsman Jr. will announce his candidacy for the 2012 presidential elections on June 21 in front of the Statue of Liberty.
06/09/11 3:31am

Santorum launches presidential bid

Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator, has been the object of many Penn student protests.
05/19/11 4:39pm

Few Penn students vote in Philly primaries

Penn mirrored a city-wide trend of low voter turnout in this year's municipal primary elections on May 17.
05/18/11 12:04am

Penn grad Donald Trump will not run for President in 2012

1968 Wharton graduate Donald Trump announced that he will not run in next year's presidential election.
05/12/11 9:22pm

Newt Gingrich will run for president in 2012

Controversy arose when former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich spoke at Penn earlier this year.
05/12/11 6:57pm

Summer Pell Grant cuts unlikely to affect Penn students

Though budget cuts that the United States Congress passed last month went into effect for the 2011 fiscal year, one of its main education-related cuts won’t affect students studying at Penn this summer.
04/25/11 12:32am
Canadian students came together to register to vote in the May 2 federal elections Saturday afternoon in an effort organized by Canadians at Penn.
04/22/11 12:45am

Proposed legislation may broaden sex crime definition

Legislation introduced in Congress last week would redefine sexual violence, broadening the array of crimes reported on college campuses across the country.
04/21/11 4:34am

Conservatives trust Donald Trump

Real estate mogul and Penn alum Donald Trump, who is rumored to run for the 2012 presidency, topped a recent poll on presidential support among conservatives.
04/18/11 1:26am
Wharton and College junior Charles Gray, the newly elected president of the College Republicans, sat down with The Daily Pennsylvanian to discuss his plans for the upcoming year.
04/14/11 11:23pm

For Penn, limited impact from federal budget cuts

Though national budget proposal cut funding to education, Penn programs saw limited changes.
04/08/11 2:17am
Various discussion centered around the impact of recent proposed budget cuts to education.
04/07/11 4:10am
In an effort to improve literacy rates, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization established a Chair on Learning and Literacy at Penn's Graduate School of Education.
04/06/11 6:42am

Obama approval rises among college students

A recent poll showed that support for President Barack Obama among college students is up nine percent since October, bringing his college-student approval rate to 60 percent.
04/05/11 4:11am

*SAC to receive stimulus funds

Monday night, Governor Tom Corbett (R-Pa.) announced his plans to the state legislature to provide a stimulus package for Penn’s Student Activities Council.
04/04/11 3:42am

IR students tour U.S. capital

On Friday, 37 students majoring in International Relations traded the dreary skies of Philadelphia for the cherry blossoms of Washington, D.C.
04/04/11 1:03am

Students lobby Congress members in support of Israel

Seven student lobbyists of the Penn Israel Coalition lobbied three Congressional offices in support of Israel, including those of Congressman Robert Brady (D-Pa.) and Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz (D-Pa.).
03/28/11 4:08am
Though some petitioned against his selection as keynote speaker for a Wharton conference, former president of Colombia Álvaro Uribe received a standing ovation after his speech Friday.
03/25/11 4:50am

Jerusalem bombing sparks concerns

On Wednesday, the hospital in Jerusalem where School of Nursing students take classes abroad was faced with treating the injured from the first bombing in the city in four years.