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04/12/12 10:41pm

Despite low standing in race, Ron Paul appeals to youth voters

Paul, who has found much support among young voters, said in an interview with CBS earlier this month that he is “trying to save the Republican Party from themselves.”
04/10/12 11:38pm

Penn's congressional representative proposed education reform in House in March

Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.), who represents the second congressional district, which includes Penn, introduced the American Dream Accounts Act of 2012 in the House of Representatives last month.
04/10/12 10:12pm

Former Pa. Senator Rick Santorum drops out of Republican presidential race

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum officially dropped out of the Republican presidential race on April 10, effectively guaranteeing former Massachussets Gov. Mitt Romney the Republican nomination.
04/02/12 11:59pm

Penn alum part of group buying Philadelphia Media Network

Krishna P. Singh, Holtec International Corporation chair CEO, is among a group of six local investors who will acquire the Philadelphia Media Network for $55 million, the company announced yesterday.
03/27/12 1:07am

Mayor Nutter and panelists discuss race in the political arena

Nutter and co-panelists Councilwoman Maria Quiñones-Sanchez and Penn Political Science professor Rogers Smith took a significant portion of the hour to agree that race still plays a role in politics today, though it has come a long way in the past decade.
03/23/12 1:15am

Penn Libertarians discuss floating cities

The group hosted a presentation by Michael Keenan, president of the Seasteading Institute, a non-profit organization whose goal is to set up societies and governments on platforms in international waters.
03/23/12 12:49am

Political commentator Glenn Greenwald disapproves of U.S. war policies

Greenwald, who is widely regarded as one of the country’s most influential political commentators, critically assessed past and current United States presidential administrations’ attempts to expand executive authority.
03/22/12 11:45pm
A seminar-sized audience of 30 listened as Reggie Love, former personal aide to the president, gave advice and provided humorous anecdotes about his experiences.
03/19/12 11:16pm
The forum is an annual discussion panel sponsored by Penn trustee David Silfen and his wife Lyn. This year’s forum focused on the question, “Is America broken?”
02/16/12 8:17pm
Nate Kleinman, a member of Occupy Philadelphia, will run in the Democratic primary for the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania’s 13th district, which includes northeast Philadelphia.
02/14/12 9:15pm

Huntsman Sr. backs son's campaign through a super PAC

Jon Huntsman Sr.’s financial backing of his son’s presidential bid has laid bare concerns of potential coordination between super PACs and presidential candidates.
02/13/12 10:14pm

Penn student runs for Republican delegate position

Young people from Pennsylvania colleges have had a history of running for political positions. This year, a student from Penn and a student from Penn State are running for delegates in the presidential primaries.
01/31/12 11:55pm

Romney wins Florida primary with strong student support

Mitt Romney coasted to a victory in the Florida primary yesterday, reclaiming his title as the frontrunner of the Republican presidential race. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, received more votes than his two closest competitors — former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and former Pennsylvania Sen.
01/26/12 11:05pm

Polling locations could sway votes, study finds

According to a study published last week by a team of Baylor University psychologists, common polling locations such as churches could trigger unconscious voter bias. MAP: Polling locations and voter bias
01/25/12 1:39am
The event, sponsored by both the Penn Democrats and College Republicans, gave students of varying political views the opportunity to watch President Barack Obama’s address, followed by informal discussion.
01/23/12 9:19pm

Pennsylvania implements new test for food stamp eligibility

With the new test, people under the age of 60 who own more than $2,000 in certain kinds of assets and people over 60 who own more than $3,250 will no longer be eligible to receive food stamps.
01/16/12 11:20pm

A humbled Huntsman bows out of race

It was with humility that Huntsman bowed out of the race yesterday. “Mary Kaye and I are equally humbled and amazed at the outpouring of support we’ve received,” he wrote on his campaign website. INTERACTIVE: Timeline of Jon Huntsman Jr.‘s campaign
01/16/12 11:19pm
Wharton junior Laura Brown, a Daily Pennsylvanian staff member, was recently elected president of College Republicans.
01/12/12 8:03pm

FactCheck aims to keep politicians honest

The nonpartisan, nonprofit organization — a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center established in 1993 — is attempting to reduce the level of deception in the American political system, one dishonest claim at a time.
12/04/11 8:21pm

President's aide leaves White House for Wharton

Reggie Love, who for the last five years has served as a special assistant and personal aide to President Barack Obama, is currently a first-year Wharton MBA candidate.