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05/21/13 10:02pm

Fels grad defeated by wide margin in city controller primary

In a lone heated race during an otherwise quiet primary season, incumbent Alan Butkovitz defeated 1993 Fels Institute graduate Brett Mandel in the Democratic primary for Philadelphia’s city controller.
05/16/13 5:32pm

'A Better Chance' program celebrates 50th anniversary

On Thursday, members of the ABC community gathered in College Hall for a breakfast to celebrate the program’s 50th anniversary and to honor exceptional contributions to the program.
05/16/13 12:13am

Panel discusses future of UCHS

Wednesday afternoon at the Metropolitan Baptist Church, NBC 10 and Axis Philly, a local nonprofit news and information organization, hosted a panel entitled “What’s Next? A Forum on the Future of University City High School.”
05/13/13 1:17pm
About 6,000 graduates celebrated their graduation from Penn today. Their commencement address was delivered by current Vice President Joe Biden.
05/09/13 6:01pm
Penn alumnus and former Pennsylvania governor George Michael Leader died at his home in Hershey, Pa. today.
05/08/13 8:48pm

Breaking down the municipal primary election

This year’s municipal primary election on May 21 will determine each party’s candidate in the Nov. 5 general election.
04/25/13 8:34pm
A recording of off-the-record comments that Frank Luntz made while speaking on campus were leaked to the liberal news agency Mother Jones on Thursday. GUEST COLUMN | Aakash Abbi’s disservice to Penn, GUEST COLUMN | Frank Luntz’s disservice to America
04/24/13 12:29am
The Penn Government and Politics Association hosted professor Sandy Schwartz Tuesday evening for a debate on President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
04/23/13 11:46pm

Homeowner tax relief bill closer to becoming law

Three bills that would allow the city more flexibility in collecting property taxes passed out of the Urban Affairs Committee.
04/23/13 6:12pm
Tuesday afternoon, animal rights group Animal ACTivists of Philly rallied at 34th and Walnut streets against the abuse of research animals at Penn and other universities. According to a 2011 Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine report, Penn is number one among Ivy League universities in the number and severity of violations of the Animal Welfare Act.
04/18/13 12:07am
While the debate on gun control has reached a stalemate on Capitol Hill, the discussion continues strongly here on campus.
04/16/13 11:35pm

Penn students more supportive of gun control than general public, survey shows

As the gun control debate heats up on both the national and state stages, a recent survey shows that Penn students stand firmly on the side of more gun control — and reveals that many undergraduates have been personally affected by gun violence.
04/14/13 8:04pm

City planners to present draft of University Southwest District Plan

As a part of the comprehensive plan for the city’s future, Philadelphia2035 separated Philadelphia into 18 districts and aims to improve each one according to community needs and suggestions.
04/10/13 11:56pm

Two Penn affiliates to run for Congress, another considering

Though there’s still over a year before the primary, the race for Pennsylvania’s 13th congressional district seat is getting crowded — and several of the candidates have strong Penn connections. Tuesday, Fels Institute of Government faculty member Marjorie Margolies — who represented the 13th district from 1993-95 — made headlines with speculation that she may enter the race.
04/09/13 10:36pm

Former congresswoman Margolies considers comeback

Fels Institute of Government faculty member Marjorie Margolies may be poising herself for a return to Capitol Hill after an 18-year absence.
04/09/13 9:43pm

Philadelphia City Council deliberates 'life partners' reform

The bill — which was introduced on March 21 by Councilmember James Kenney and 1986 College graduate and Councilmember W. Wilson Goode — will receive a preliminary committee vote on Thursday.
04/09/13 12:25am

Students and faculty advocate for medical research funding in D.C.

Twenty graduate students and faculty members headed down to Washington, D.C. Monday to advocate for funding for medical research.
04/08/13 12:55am
Congressman Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) discussed the issue of illegal immigration in a heated and intense debate on Friday in Houston Hall. The talk was organized by the University of Pennsylvania’s Government and Politics Association.
04/04/13 1:28am

Guest column | With liberty and justice for all

It is in that same spirit that we are proud to express our firm support for marriage equality, as individuals and as the presidents of the Penn Democrats and Penn College Republicans, respectively.
04/04/13 12:12am
Both men and women will march through campus tonight in solidarity against sexual violence — a scene that would have been hardly imaginable just 20 years ago.