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10/22/13 10:03pm

ICYMI: Pa. gubernatorial candidate Katie McGinty

The Daily Pennsylvanian takes a look at Pa. gubernatorial candidate Katie McGinty’s prior experiences and stance on current issues.
10/22/13 8:27pm

Penn profs running for Congress neck and neck in fundraising

Marjorie Margolies and Valerie Arkoosh, two Penn professors running in the primary for the 13th congressional district, reported similar campaign fundraising totals for the third quarter.
10/16/13 6:56pm

Congress reaches deal, but Penn hurt by shutdown

Both faculty and students are experiencing holdups in research projects because of the shutdown.
10/08/13 8:46pm

Corbett's insurance plan has unclear effects on Penn Med

The proposal comes as a response to the 2010 Affordable Care Act, which provides federal funding for state Medicaid expansion.
10/04/13 5:28pm

Penn Political Coalition launches nonpartisan fund

PoCo, the umbrella organization for political student groups, will launch a $7,500 fund for policy and politics-related programming on campus.
10/02/13 7:25pm
This week, they held a phonebanking event for Cory Booker, the mayor of Newark running for Senate.
10/02/13 5:51pm
Defendants in Whitewood v. Corbett, which include Pa. governor Tom Corbett, have filed motions to have charges filed against them dismissed.
10/01/13 11:48pm

The shutdown, according to Twitter

Here’s the best of what Penn students, professors and alumni had to offer
10/01/13 10:55pm
His talk focused primarily on his years working with LBJ and provided an anecdotal account of the political changes of the period.
10/01/13 9:55pm
The impact was felt by students who rely on government resources for research.
09/29/13 3:29pm

ICYMI: Obama plans higher ed ratings

The Daily Pennsylvanian breaks down some of the president’s recent plans to reform American higher education, including his proposal to tie his higher ed ratings to federal financial aid.
09/26/13 7:42pm

Government shutdown would spare Penn

If Congress does not agree on a spending bill, the government will shut down but Penn will be largely unaffected.
09/25/13 10:53pm
The DP sat down with the two co-founders of the Penn Government and Politics Association
09/24/13 7:15pm

Penn for Palestine hosts discussion of 'Shattered Hopes'

Penn for Palestine brought Josh Ruebner — author and national advocacy director of U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation — to campus Tuesday.
09/22/13 8:11pm

School cuts hit local extracurricular programs

The school system is millions of dollars short of being able to meet its obligations this year, and that has forced schools to make cuts to staff and extracurricular programs.
09/17/13 6:51pm
Tom Wolf, one of the Democratic candidates for governor of Pennsylvania, will speak at Huntsman Hall.
09/09/13 7:57pm

Med prof turns to Penn for campaign fundraising

Valerie Arkoosh, who is running for U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz’s (D-Pa.) seat in the state’s 13th congressional district, raised $48,285 from University employees through the end of June.
09/09/13 6:06pm
Several Democrats lining up to challenge Republican Tom Corbett in 2014 have Penn connections and will visit campus sometime this semester.
09/04/13 7:20pm
The commission, which is co-chaired by 1974 College graduate Benjamin Ginsberg, discussed ways of improving current election policies.
08/30/13 6:04pm
Chaka Fattah, the congressman who represents West Philadelphia, will announce a partnership between Philadelphia research centers and a European Union initiative to invest in scientific innovation.