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03/13/23 9:06pm
Second-year students in the Wharton MBA Program for Executives founded CSG in 2022 to invest in sports franchises.
03/13/23 8:36pm
Although the conflict is not yet over, the speakers discussed global changes set in motion by the war in Ukraine.
03/12/23 10:29pm
The first phase of deliveries occurred from Feb. 21 to Feb. 24 for floors 13 through 24. The second phase of deliveries is scheduled for the rest of the building, and will occur in early March. Harnwell and Harrison will follow in the summer.
03/12/23 10:26pm
Protestors remained outside the Inn at Penn for over two hours, and students and community members spoke to the crowd about why protecting Chinatown is important to them.
03/12/23 10:18pm
On Aug. 15, a District Court denied a motion filed by the schools that were sued to dismiss the lawsuit, according to a public opinion.
03/12/23 9:08pm
The Scholar in Residence program is the first residency of its kind at any university in the United States.
03/12/23 8:16pm
Columbia announced that it will no longer require applicants to send standardized testing scores as part of the admissions process. 
03/02/23 9:32pm
For the 2023-2024 academic year, the eligibility threshold for financial aid packages that fully cover all undergraduate costs will be raised to $75,000.
03/02/23 2:40am
The DP spoke with University administrators and student activists to better understand Penn’s open expression guidelines and the role of the University's Committee on Open Expression in evaluating students' rights to protest on campus.
03/02/23 12:42am
Class Board presidents said that protestors chose both the wrong occasion and the wrong tactics. 
03/01/23 11:40pm
The conference will bring together over 600 leaders in government and business, Wharton professors and alumni, entrepreneurs, inventors, and industry leaders. 
03/01/23 10:54pm
After joining the Revolve Group in 2014, Gerona sought to harness the power of bloggers and social media influencers. 
03/01/23 10:40pm
The TUGSA strike, which began on Jan. 31, follows a year of bargaining with the university for increased pay, expanded leave, and healthcare.
03/01/23 9:48pm
Pascucci was selected following a national search that began when former Vice Dean and Director of Admissions John McLaughlin departed Penn last November. 
02/28/23 11:43pm
GAPSA previously passed a joint resolution to have two student representatives on the Board of Trustees, but the UA was unable to reach a majority and tabled the decision indefinitely.
02/28/23 11:19pm
This announcement comes days after the DP detailed 100 observations of health code violations in Penn Dining locations during their most recent food safety inspections.
02/28/23 10:43pm
Penn Nursing professor Sharon Irving received the 2023 Women of Color at Penn Award for her leadership and service to the community. 
02/28/23 9:58pm
The Penn Medicine - Wharton Fund for Health is investing in Twentyeight Health, a service seeking to expand access to reproductive and sexual healthcare for women. 
02/28/23 9:51pm
This award honors the memory of Magee, who graduated from Penn in 2021 and passed away in May of last year. 
02/28/23 1:00am
Owens sat down with The Daily Pennsylvanian to discuss his first book and its reception.