Welcome to a new season of "Penn, Daily," hosted by Riane Lumer and Podcast Editor Nicole Zhao.
This season, we focus on taking you inside The Daily Pennsylvanian's biggest headlines and most important stories by sitting down with our reporters and learning the behind-the-scenes of their articles.
In this episode, Nicole and Riane sits down with Imran Siddiqui, the DP's Politics Desk Editor and the journalist behind "Inside the encampment: Tight-knit community fuels weeks-long Fossil Free Penn protest."
Check out Imran's article: https://www.thedp.com/article/2022/09/inside-fossil-free-penn-encampment-two-weeks
Hosted by Nicole Zhao and Riane Lumer. Edited by Nicole Zhao. Podcast art by Isabel Liang. Music by Nicole Zhao.