New Store on Walnut Selling "Slightly Soiled Sheets" for Frat Advertising Needs

Edited by Sam Sedor, original file: Michael Walter/ Wikimedia Commons
April 6, 2017 at 4:30 pm
Another day, another achievement for entrepreneurship and innovation on Penn’s campus.
The company that brought us Stickers For SisDTers is now launching Slightly Soiled Sheets, a new start-up hoping to match Penn’s growing demand for slightly soiled sheets.
“Do you know how many banners frats and sororities need to put up these days?” asked SSS founder Dylan McDylan. “A ton. At least 40 to 45 per semester. Think about that. This is a very exciting new market.”
Yesterday, McDylan brought Under The Button through his factory, demonstrating the many steps behind his product.
“First you have to get the right kind of sheet. It can’t be pre-bought you know? It needs to be soiled. If the sheet doesn’t meet our standards, we have to do it ourselves,” McDylan said.
Fraternity rush events and statements of support for charities must be made on slightly soiled sheets, said Wharton senior and Interfraternity Council Chair Marc Thompson. This is all clearly spelled out in the IFC constitution. He explained that an excessively soiled sheet sends the wrong message to the public, while a clean sheet is just a waste of good linen.
McDylan agreed, adding that “Over in Princeton, they have a company called ‘Sheets’ and they sell all sorts of nonsense like clean sheets and completely soiled sheets,” he said. “Here at Penn, we’re precise. We’re exact. We are Slightly Soiled Sheets.”