What's HapPENNing?

October 17, 2016 at 3:10 pm
We know many of you organize your social calendar based exclusively on what UTB posts, which is why we're back with your favorite Monday feature: What's HaPENNing?
Where: Will be live-streamed on the NYT Facebook page, and on Youtube. Can alternatively travel to University of Nevada in Nevada to watch live.
When: Starts from 9 p.m.
Why: Tune in to watch Trump embarrass himself mansplaining, and mispronounce "China." Hillary may also do iconic mid-debate shoulder shimmy.
Where: 3627 Locust Walk
When: Thursday, from 7 - 9 p.m.
How: Bring some cash for donations to literacy projects run by West Philadelphia Alliance for Children
Penn Coffee Club Open Coffee Club
Where: Penn Women's Center
When: Friday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Why: It's like when Wawa gives free coffee except these brews have fancier names and don't taste like drainwater.
Four hour epic film at International House
Where: International House
When: Saturday, from 7 p.m.
Why: Titled "TILL MADNESS DO US PART," this is a documentary of an isolated mental institution in rural China. You should feel pretty bad about yourself if you don't feel that's worth your Saturday night. English subtitles available.
Bloomers presents: Joust Kidding
Where: Houston Hall
Who: Penn's premier all-female comedy troupe
When: Thursday - Saturday
Why: Rumors have it, there will be actual horses on stage, complete with knights brought back from 16th century England. This may be your only chance to see two horsemen compete for the favor of Queen Elizabeth I aka the last (!!) monarch of the Tudor dynasty.
J&G x WQHS presents: Student Grooves
Where: TEP chapter house (3805 Walnut)
When: Saturday night, from 7:30 to 12
Why: Student musicians will be playing and student visual artists will be displaying. They're promising snacks, and apparently it's going to be free but donations are encouraged. You can always put a quarter in the donation box and leave after ten minutes (but you shouldn't).