Also, the Penn Arab Student Society and Muslim Students Association hosted a vigil last week.
Wednesday, October 16
Good morning, Penn.
Happy Wednesday! Today is Dictionary Day, so I hope this edition of DP Daybreak teaches you a new word or two.
Penn is one of 40 universities named in a price-fixing lawsuit, and The Daily Pennsylvanian compiled a guide of everything you need to know to register to vote before Pennsylvania's voter registration deadline on Oct. 21.
But first, the Center for Community Standards and Accountability has released its annual disciplinary report, which showed an increase in disciplinary incidents during the 2023-24 academic year.
Penn reported over 140 more student disciplinary incidents in the 2023-24 academic year compared to the previous year in its annual disciplinary report.
The report, released by the Center for Community Standards and Accountability and the Office of the Associate Vice President for Equity and Title IX Officer, reflected an increase in incidents in several categories, including "failure to comply" cases — which doubled compared to the previous year.
The report also showed increased instances of academic integrity violations and a decrease in academic support violations. There were eight instances of delayed or withheld degrees — up from zero the previous academic year — and a sharp increase in the number of student suspensions.
The Penn Arab Society and Penn's Muslim Students Association organized a vigil on Oct. 10 honoring victims of recent attacks in Gaza and Lebanon.
Pro-Palestinian student activists at Penn and other Philadelphia colleges said that Hamas' Oct. 7 attacks were a "necessary step" and that its march by campus last week served to commemorate the Palestinian resistance on the attacks' one year anniversary.
With less than a week until Pennsylvania's voter registration deadline on Oct. 21, the DP compiled a guide to everything you should know before Election Day.
Penn is among 40 elite universities named in a lawsuit alleging engagement in a price-fixing scheme to increase the cost of attendance for students who come from divorced or separated families.
Two Penn professors have been awarded 2024 Pew Fellowships in the Arts, which recognizes local artists and provides support for their endeavors.
COLUMNIST ALLISON SANTA CRUZ critiques a Wall Street Journal article for oversimplifying enrollment trends in Southern universities and misrepresenting both the Ivy League and the South through discussing race, politics, and campus culture in both regions.
While most Penn athletes have an offseason to rest and focus on academics, distance runners competing in both cross country and track and field face a year-round grind.
In 2018, the DP spoke with Religious Studies professor Justin McDaniel about his seven-hour "Existential Despair" class, in which students turn in their phones, read a book cover-to-cover, and discuss it with their peers. Spring 2025 class offerings were released last week on Path@Penn, and McDaniel will again offer his unique course and teach students how to deal with despair in their lives. And — good news — if you take it, there's no assigned homework!
Click here to play today’s DP mini crossword, which was constructed by Makayla Wu.
And click here to play today’s Password puzzle, which was constructed by Joyce Lee.
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