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Political Science professor Michael Horowitz returns as the director of Perry World House (Photo from Penn Today).

Michael Horowitz, Richard Perry professor in political science, is returning to Penn as the director of Perry World House after spending two years serving in the United States Department of Defense.

Horowitz, who was first appointed PWH director in 2020, began a leave of absence in 2022 to serve as the director of the Office of Emerging Capabilities Policy within the Pentagon. In 2023, he took on a new role as the inaugural deputy assistant secretary of defense for force development and emerging capabilities, which combined the Emerging Capabilities Policy Office with the Force Development Office.

The new office focused on the national defense strategy of the US, as well as policies regarding the use of emerging technology. It assessed technologies that are changing the security landscape, such as artificial intelligence, to determine how to avoid conflict.

According to the office’s website, Horowitz was responsible for shaping and overseeing force planning and programming. This included developing Defense Planning Guidance, advising senior leadership on force development, and conducting assessments to manage national security risk. Horowitz also contributed to the launch of the Political Declaration on Responsible Military Use of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy in 2023.

“We face enormous challenges: The national defense strategy describes the pacing challenge posed by the People’s Republic of China, the threat posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and many other things,” Horowitz told The Daily Pennsylvanian in 2023. “The time I spent at Perry World House has been absolutely critical in preparing me for the role.”

During Horowitz's leave of absence, philosophy professor Michael Weisberg served as interim director of PWH. 

Horowitz returned on Aug. 14 to PWH. He will bring a particular focus to emerging technologies, defense, and security, according to the announcement

“[Horowitz’s] return to Penn will allow the community to benefit from his knowledge about defense and learn from his expertise in policy development and implementation at the highest levels of the federal government and with U.S. global partners,” Vice Provost for Global Initiatives Ezekiel Emanuel told Penn Today. 

Provost John Jackson Jr. also welcomed Horowitz back to Penn, saying that his expertise in new and emerging technologies — such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology — will be essential for understanding critical world events.

“I am thrilled to be back on campus, where I will apply the policy knowledge and insights I gained from government service to Perry World House and the Penn community as a whole,” Horowitz said in the announcement.