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Huntsman is adding new group study rooms. Credit: Hannah Jung

Huntsman Hall is set to open nine new Group Study Rooms following a summer construction project that began in May, Wharton spokesperson Emily Hemming told The Daily Pennsylvanian.

Huntsman GSRs have served as a staple study spot for Penn students seeking spaces for collaborative work, brainstorming sessions, and last-minute exam review. With the new additions, Huntsman now has around 60 GSRs located on the first four floors that can be reserved by Wharton students online.

Each GSR can seat approximately six people and offers a range of technology such as audio conferencing, connectivity between group work stations, smart whiteboard, and Internet access.

Seven of the new rooms are located on the ground floor and opened for use on Sept. 6. The other two study rooms — which are expected to be ready for students by Sept. 16 — are located on the third floor, according to Hemming.

Huntsman's updated GSRs will be fully operational for the fall semester and arrive in time for students' midterm exams.

"I'm excited that Huntsman will have more GSRs because it's a great spot to study with friends and do group projects, so the more GSRs, the better," Wharton sophomore Diya Reddy said.

The last significant change to Huntsman's GSR offerings took place in 2016, when — after a series of renovations lasting two years — all rooms were updated to include $10,000 worth of new technology. The renovations featured the addition of wireless connections, bigger screens, boundless whiteboards, and easier cleaning.

The renovations totaled $550,000, not including carpets and furniture.