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Penn President Larry Jameson at convocation on Aug. 26. Credit: Abhiram Juvvadi

Penn President Larry Jameson addressed open expression on campus in an Aug. 23 letter to the Penn community.  

Jameson's email welcomed students, faculty, staff, and postdoctoral researchers back to campus. In the wake of a semester marked by protests in response to the Israel-Hamas war, the email described the importance of finding balance that supports "open expression and peaceful demonstrations while ensuring safety and a respectful, inclusive culture, that allows all to thrive."

Jameson highlighted the current moment marked by protest and political divide, writing that "overseas events are again sparking demonstrations, and the country is as politically divided as I’ve ever seen it." 

He also drew parallels between current and historical political discourse on campus, pointing to protests in the 1970s that led to cultural transformation in civil rights, human rights, environmental protection. 

"This evolution of our society is part of the reason we so passionately defend open expression, freedom of inquiry, and civil debate," Jameson wrote.

The email also addressed campus discourse from last year, including the resignation of former Penn President Liz Magill and scrutiny from alumni, the media, political actors, and government agencies. It did not contain any mention of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment, which took place for 16 days on College Green in April and prompted widespread discourse about free expression and right to protest on campus. 

The email also emphasized actions that Penn has taken to "reinforce our commitment to excellence and ideological diversity, cultivating an environment in which everyone can fully explore the amazing opportunities offered by the [University]."

These actions include the University Task Force on Antisemitism and the Presidential Commission on Countering Hate and Building Community, both of which recently released their final reports. Jameson also mentioned the University's new temporary standards and procedures for campus events in demonstrations, as well as updates to the University's strategic framework, "In Principle and Practice," which was first announced by Magill.

Jameson further described the importance of diverse knowledge and perspectives on campus, emphasizing the importance of a community that "respects open-minded debate and privileges facts – a community where we put respect and dignity first, and where all are free to make the most of campus life." 

"I believe ours is and will remain that kind of community," he wrote. "Together, we will continue to prepare the citizens and leaders of the future."