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Credit: Insia Haque

The Daily Pennsylvanian has been recognized as a finalist for five awards from the College Media Association's 2024 Pinnacle Awards contest.

CMA’s annual media contest recognizes student journalism in a variety of categories, including design, writing, photo, and sports. The DP is currently in competition in each nominated category with three or four other schools that were selected as finalists in the Division I category, meaning each school has an enrollment of over 10,000 undergraduate students.

The DP was recognized as a finalist for the Best Multi-Outlet Breaking News Coverage for the coverage of the arrests and dismantling of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment. The coverage included multiple days of live updates, exclusive scoops of the administration and city’s response, and multimedia content. A dedicated team of over 20 DP student journalists produced coverage as the encampment reached national headlines. 

The DP was recognized as a finalist for the Best Investigative Story for College junior and News Editor Ben Binday’s “The kids really need this': Wharton student group allegedly withholds $90,000 promised to charity.” The story — which included contributing reporting from Wharton sophomore and staff reporter Sheen Gupta — sparked dialogue among the Penn graduate student and Wharton School community.

The DP’s recognition for investigative work did not end there. The DP was recognized as a finalist for the Best Investigative Sports Story for its look into allegations of racism on Penn’s lightweight rowing team. Written by College junior and Sports Editor Walker Carnathan and College junior and Deputy Sports Editor Sean McKeown, Just shattered': Penn lightweight rowing accused of racism, prompting controversial University response” demonstrates DPOSTM’s commitment to pursuing investigative journalism.

DPOSTM — along with the design department — was also recognized as a finalist for the Best Newspaper Sports Page/Spread for the April 11 issue. This spread — featuring original designs by College junior and Design Editor Sophia Liu and College sophomore and Deputy Design Editor Emmi Wu — includes engaging data visualizations of Carnathan’s analysis of attendance at Penn basketball events.

While the Penn Relays may be famous for highlighting the nation’s best of track and field, the Penn Relays Special Issue was recognized as a finalist for the Best Special Section — More than Four Pages. Several departments came together to produce this informative and interesting special issue, which was distributed to hundreds of attendees.

The winners will be announced at the National College Media Convention at the end of October.