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Penn Women's Center celebrated its 50th anniversary with students, faculties, and alumni. Credit: Isa Merriam

The Penn Women’s Center hosted a kickoff event last Friday to celebrate its 50th anniversary on campus.

Staff from the Women’s Center planned the event with help from the Alumni Office and University Life. The event featured the unveiling of an archive display on the second floor and a plaque recognizing the significant contributions of the Class of 1973 to the Women’s Center over the past 50 years.

Director of Penn Women’s Center, Elisa Foster, said the archive showcases significant historical milestones throughout the center's history. 

“In 1973, there was this sit-in and protest organized amongst students and staff and faculty who came together in response to violence against women on campus. They had a sit-in in the president's office to demand more protection and support for women on campus.”

She also highlighted the Class of ‘73’s generosity toward the Women's Center, noting their ongoing support for wellness and community programs. In celebration of their 50th reunion, they allocated a portion of their class gift to the Women's Center, and some class members attended the event to present their plaque and join the festivities.

Hitomi Yoshida, the Program and Operations Coordinator of the Center, said that Friday’s event showcased the intergenerational significance of the center. 

“This is an opportunity for our current student leaders and students of our community to meet with the alumni, like the people who have established the center, and just learn more about the activism that has been going on for 50 years,” she said. “I'm very excited for our students to really see the continuity of student activism and leadership on campus and how it began and how it's changing, so they can see that they are part of a bigger movement.”

College junior Laura Arellano-Velazquez, a Student Program Assistant at the Women’s Center since her first year, eagerly anticipated learning about the experiences of past workers in her position and the evolution of their fight for gender equality.

Foster pointed out that the anniversary event not only commemorated past accomplishments but also the Women’s Center's increased prominence on campus, evolving from a single office to a central building.

Looking ahead, Foster mentioned the center's intention to evaluate its role. 

“Things have changed a lot in the last 50 years, especially in terms of gender equity,” she said. “One thing that we're going to do is take a step back and assess what it means to be a women's center in 2023 and what are the things that we should add to our work.”

The 50th anniversary of the center will be celebrated by several events throughout the year, including a three-day symposium starting Feb. 29 and a culminating event on May 18 to close out the Women’s Center’s 50th year on campus.